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All Content by KrysyRN

  1. Thank you so much for all of your updates. I am considering working in the ER and have been reading posts on how to prepare. You've answered so many of my questions. Much appreciated.
  2. Need advise!!

    $27/hr sounds low to me. When I got my A.A.S. and my first RN position eight years ago in San Antonio, I started at a few pennies less than $30/hr. I thought Dallas' cost of living was higher than San Antonio's.
  3. RN-BSN-- WGU?

    My mentor allowed me to work on any of the courses (up to 12 credits worth of courses) I wanted to work on during the term, so I did do some simultaneous work. I think I remember reading that a certain mentor would not allow a student to work on mor...
  4. RN-BSN-- WGU?

    Congratulations on your new nurse status :) I completed the RN-BSN program through WGU two years ago and loved it. I'm looking at the MBA in Healthcare Mgmt and plan to enroll sometime down the line. WGU requires that you carry at least 12 credits p...
  5. LPN to RN.. how was it for you?

    It was well worth it! I was fortunate enough to have a wide variety of jobs as an LPN, which gave me tons of valuable experience. A lot of those LPN jobs don't exist any longer, unfortunately, as the LPNs were replaced with RNs. Having LPN experience...
  6. For nurses who work from home

    I work at home doing case mgmt/telephone triage, working a set 8 hour shift, with 40 hours scheduled each week. I didn't pick the 8 hours that I work - my employer did, based on coverage needs. I hired on with a flex schedule, which means my employer...
  7. I received my BSN from WGU. I share your sentiments! I love this school. I plan on heading back into an MSN program through them.
  8. Need help with licensing info!!!

    Hello...On the main page for Illinois BON, there is a blue hyperlink "Request Certification/Verification" that answers a lot of your questions. It's under the "Resources and Publications" section. It looks like it costs $20 for the verifications (pro...
  9. Transfer Center

    Is "transfer center" another term for telephone triage? This is the first I've heard I've heard that term.
  10. Nurse Interview

    NRKB, I would be happy to send a pic of my drivers license to your phone or web page and provide a list of the states that I have license. That way you will be able to verify on each board of nursing's website that I am indeed an RN. You'll even see ...
  11. Nurse Interview

    Lol :) thank-you! I'm working on the questions right now..
  12. Nurse Interview

    I can help!
  13. Too young/ early in life to be in Nursing Program?

    You go, girl.. I admire your ambition so much. When I was in my early 40s, I moved back home with my parents when I started an LPN to RN bridge program. I drastically cut works hours or didn't work at all for periods of time in order to focus on stu...
  14. Book recommendation?

    Highly recommended: The Midwife by Gay Courter. Home Before Morning: The Story of an Army Nurse in Vietnam by Lynda Van Devanter. I loved both of these books..
  15. Night shifters - ever experience this?

    I used to have trouble getting a straight 7-8 hrs of sleep during the day until I tried this: I started pinning up a heavy blanket over my bedroom window, then closing really heavy light-blocking, noise-blocking curtains (from Target) over the blanke...
  16. Interview

    Hello, I have 21 yrs of LPN and RN experience, and I'm back in school for my BSN. In one of my classes, I am asked to interview a nurse practitioner. Would anyone be willing to help me with this? The interview consists of 8 questions that I could ...
  17. Interview

    Thank-you, Psychcns. I sent you a PM :-)
  18. I'd recommend recording your classes, and in the evening listen to the recording and document word-for-word what the instructor said during the class, or update lecture notes you took during class. Match up the notes with the section in the textbook ...
  19. RN or EMT-P?

    You should consider flight nursing as well.
  20. Ultrasound Tech Telling Patients She is a Nurse

    Wonder why she doesn't go for the gold and call herself a physician or a nurse practitioner? Just curious The Texas BON publishes a nurse imposter list about twice a month or so with names and pics of people that have represented themselves as nurse...
  21. CA BVNPT / change of address

    I would recommend emailing them too. They would not renew my license because they said I had a name or address change which I needed to officially update with them. Neither was true, so I called them to tell them my name and address had not changed. ...
  22. WGU RN-BSN 11/1/11 start

    This is true. A 4-credit Intro to Chemistry class with a lab will satisfy the Biochem requirement. When my transcript eval was done, my Intro to Chem class did not initially transfer. I submitted a transcript appeal with the course syllabus, and wit...
  23. WGU RN-BSN 10/01/11 start...anyone with me?

    When you are on the site, do a search for WGU RN to BSN Discussion Group, and this should bring up the link.
  24. WGU RN-BSN 10/01/11 start...anyone with me?

    Hi, I just started the program and have one course completed so far. Everything is very straightforward and easy to follow once they open up the Portal for you. There's not much that can be done before classes start unless you want to read the studen...
  25. Does this make me an "RN snob"?

    This is so not true. States have scopes of practice for most medical specialty areas. When you work outside this scope in a clinical setting, you may be committing an illegal act. You are not automatically cleared or safe from wrong-doing because of ...