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About sunny95

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  1. LVN to RN online degree...anyone do it?

    I am currently in the LVN to RN program with Excelsior College through Rue Education. I just started it, so I can't tell you much about how successful it is for me, although I do know a handful of nurses that have been through it and have succeeded ...
  2. 3rd Shift with Young Children at Home??

    I work weekends only, 7a-11p on Sat. and Sun. I have 3 children at home, 9,3,and 9mos. This works out great for us because I'm home all week with the boys, and I'm only away from them for 2 days. Granted, I have no weekends with my family, but it'...
  3. First med error

    Hi, I have been and LVN for a year now, and unfortunately, I just made my first medication error. I was in the middle of my med pass, and getting the medication out for a new resident. I had flagged some injections that I had to do that morning, and...