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All Content by liane90

  1. No, I use it primarily to keep in contact with my friends and family that are far away. I do not post anything that would put me in a bad light. I use proper grammar, do not cuss, I do not post pictures that could be considered bad. If a future emplo...
  2. Free time in between Bachelors

    If you cannot work, definitely volunteer. I volunteered with Hospice and found it very rewarding. Go to and it will show opportunities in your area. Also, most hospitals have volunteer positions, and networking never hurt anyone. V...
  3. Which one these would you take in order after a&p?

    What are your strengths ? If you are bad at math, for example, I would take statistics by itself so you can fully focus on that one subject. I enjoyed micro, very much. I was able to take it in conjunction with other courses. Evaluate yourself and ch...
  4. Trying to decide between an ADN or BSN

    I am in a similar situation. I have my bachelors in health sciences, and I applied to an ADN program that starts in the fall. Because I already have a bachelors, there are many programs that I can go straight into an MSN program online, and complete ...
  5. Aiken Tech Fall 2015 Hopefuls

    I am currently in annual training with the reserves, and we leave for Puerto Rico a week after we get back. I am hoping that the letters come before then ! If not, I will call when I see any of you post that you got the letter. I keep checking the 'm...
  6. Aiken Tech Fall 2015 Hopefuls

    I am getting nervous as time passes. I wish we could know sooner. How is everyone else holding up?
  7. What's the meanest thing a patient has said to you?

    I had a patient (psych pt in Iraq) try to intimidate me. 'You know Im crazy? I could shoot you' I was so mad at my sgt for not taking the m16 away from a self admitted dangerous pt. I was tiny at the time, the only female, and they left me alone wit...
  8. Online Pre Requisites

    contact your specific school for the science courses, as the above poster did have a very good point. Most of the classes you mentioned will have papers to do with them, so do not overload yourself. Time management will be key. I did my pre-reqs onli...
  9. I need help with the WGU Statistics class

    I was having issues with statistics, though at another school. I found that going on tutoring sites helped me a lot, specifically It broke it down to the most basic level, and I was then able to follow. Statistics isnt a difficult subject...
  10. Yes you can take the individual course. They will ask you to choose a program, but you can pick one and just do one course if you want to. Look in the course catalog
  11. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    Just what she said right there, OP. An ex friend. Do not keep toxicity in your life.
  12. LPN (6k) vs BSN (35k) in the same timeframe. Help!

    You will definitely make more having a bsn, and you can usually defer loan payments until six months post graduation. You will also be able to pay the loans back easier. The payments will not be that much of a difference on a month to month basis, va...
  13. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    There will always be those that use others, and unfortunately one found you. As the other poster pointed out, it will be difficult to set boundaries now that there is an established pattern, but necessary to do so. She had made a good point of saying...
  14. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    do not allow her to sit near you in your classes, and inform her that although time constraints can be stressful, that does not mean you are willing to essentially do the class for her. If she is so pressed for time, perhaps she should lighten her ac...
  15. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    If you want me to be completely honest, no I would not have. However, I would have spoken to her after and let her know that this will not be a repeated incident. Apparently you also did not let it go, and this is bothering you, or you wouldnt be her...
  16. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    she switched into your courses ? Sounds like she still expects to ride on your coattails. If I was in your position, I would switch as well.
  17. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    yes she literally copied your answers verbatim. Definition of plagiarism "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."
  18. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    I agree with cracklingkraken, and think about it this way, would you like it if your nurse was one that barely made it though and now had your life on the line? You are training to be the front line in patient advocacy. You do seem to be on the, I wi...
  19. If you go on and type your inquiry, it will pull up formalized studies, articles, and guidelines. Hope this helps.
  20. You will need a CNA course, yes. Good news is that they are usually only 6-12 weeks in duration and very affordable, so just look in your area to see what is offered. Many tech and vocational schools offer it .
  21. trident university offers chemistry online with a lab sequence. You will not have to buy books as everything is included in the price. Trident University International . They offer reduced tuition for military and their spouses.
  22. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    you do realize you can get kicked out of your program for academic dishonesty ? That will follow you your whole academic career, which of course bleeds into your professional career. You might want to consider how good of a friend she is if this is h...
  23. Online Classes for BSN Programs Prerequisites

    Trident university has A&P 1 and 2 online, as well as micro, and they have a chemistry sequence as well. All with lab. Tuition is high but you don't need books due to all course content is provided to you. They are accredited. Oh and the chemist...
  24. I need help with a couple of questions

    No matter what the industry, it is always good to network. If you have a specific hospital you want to work in, you can apply and find jobs that do not need certification, or even volunteer. CNA courses aren't usually over a few months in duration, a...
  25. Nursing and the sex industry

    camming is basically a virtual stripper job, or they perform sexual acts in front of a camera. Although I do not think it would prevent one from becoming an RN, if someone were to recognize a cam girl or cam guy, I doubt the interview would lead to a...