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All Content by mb123

  1. TWU FALL 2015

    Awwww thanks!!!!! Prayers for all of us that we will be celebrating by the end of the week!!!
  2. TWU FALL 2015

    That would be an amazing birthday present!!! There is a thread just for Houston campus, but not many people reply on there, just this one!!!
  3. TWU FALL 2015

    I know!! We could find out any day!!! I applied to the Houston location.
  4. UTHSC Summer 2015 Application

    Congrats yall!! Hopefully we hear soon about fall!!!
  5. TWU FALL 2015

    They have replied and said it was for both!!! Fingers crossed!!
  6. TWU FALL 2015

    I commented and asked which campus they were talking about, or for both. We shall see that they replay and say!
  7. TWU FALL 2015

    I hope it's soon!!! This wait is the worst!!!
  8. TWU FALL 2015

    Same here, this waiting is the worst.....
  9. TWU FALL 2015

    I believe they just email if they have any questions or need more information from you. I do know that if they email you, you have to respond in 5 business days or they revoke you application. So make sure you check your email regularly, and it's y...
  10. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Good to know, thanks for the info!!!
  11. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    I haven't either!
  12. Is anyone using surface pro 3?

    I use the 3 and love it. I got it for school to replace my laptop. It is super light and easy to use. Let me know if you have any specific questions about it.
  13. Students Applying for SHSU Fall 2015 Nursing Program

    Thanks Ya applying there was a long shot for me 2, but I figured why not. I'm done with my pre reqs. Are you?
  14. Students Applying for SHSU Fall 2015 Nursing Program

    Hello all! I have applied to TWU and UTHSC. I am considering applying to SHSU if I don't get into either one of those, since their deadline is so far away. I heard you can apply to either the Woodlands or the Huntsville campus, is that correct or...
  15. TWU FALL 2015

    Hey all! I am applying to the Houston campus as well for Fall 2015. TEAS- 77. Didn't study as well as I would have like too... GPA- 3.6 And I do have a prior Bachelors. Hope that helps with my lower TEAS score!! I guess we will see. Someone ma...
  16. TWU Houston Fall 2015

    Just verified everything has been received!!! Now the waiting begins! It's going to be such a long wait!!
  17. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Ya I have seen people get accepted with a 3.5gpa and people with a 4.0gpa get denied. I don't think there is any way to guess if we are going to get in. All we can do is hope and pray for the best.......and wait.....
  18. TWU Houston Fall 2015

    That's what I had head too. It makes me a little nervous because I am good at math, but if I am under pressure I am worried I may make a mistake, or not finish!!
  19. TWU Houston Fall 2015

    Thanks for the helpful guides!! When you took the TEAS were you able to use/bring a calculator? Also, I know the test is 209 mins, but are each section timed or is it like the HESI where you just have to finish the whole test in that amount of time...
  20. HESI (MATH) Question

    I did the best in math and used the website HESI Entrance Exam | HESI - Test-Guide.com. The website has practice questions on all the sections and helpful tips. Know adding/subtracting/multiplying/ dividing fractions. Converting decimal to fraction...
  21. TWU Houston Fall 2015

    Hello, I am applying as well. my GPA is around a 3.6. I am taking the TEAS on either the 23rd or 26th, I haven't registered yet. I am also applying to UT.
  22. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    I called and spoke to someone in admissions today and because mine are still in the mail, as long as it is post marked before the 15th it will be fine, so I will be ok. I would think it would be the same thing for electronic sending. You can always...
  23. A&P 1 lecture or lab? Whats harder?

    I loved A and P 1 lecture better than lab, it may have been my professors though. My lecture professor explained everything and made everything simple for us to understand. My lab professor was a stickler, if you didn't write something exactly the...
  24. In need of advice

    You are going at the right pace for you! If you want to take your time to get batter grades while saving money, then I say go for it. Don't let others tell you, you are going to slow!!
  25. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Hey yall I am also applying for Fall 2015! I took my HESI a few days ago and it still says I need to complete it on my to do list. I called yesterday and they said they have been received but still inputting the January HESI scores. Would that be a...