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All Content by smyles

  1. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Has anyone heard from Deanna? I have my fingers crossed for her.
  2. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    @narmen that doesn't make sense you should check on that. Did your letter we got 2 weeks ago list that as your GPA and HESI? I'm sorry
  3. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Carly Smith Hall
  4. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    I'm in and on my way to pay my $100! Never been so happy to part with my money!
  5. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

  6. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    It's your GPA x 25/2 take your Hesi /2 and add the two together welcome and and do you mind sharing your GPA and HESI score
  7. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    @kaitlynN I think you get your mail first, from yesterday's post, please let us know if you find out anything and good luck!
  8. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    I'm not sureí ½í¸¬
  9. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    I have a class at center campus that doesn't get out until 3:30, I am tempted to walk over on break and try to pay my 100.00 and see if they accept it. I am so over this waiting, UGH!
  10. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    has anyone received their mail yet! I'm going outside to look for mine.
  11. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    it figures, lol. with the exception of last year all other years have received their letters within 2 days of the ranking date. I would rather have them take their time and be accurate then rush...but the wait is killing me!
  12. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Ok ladies I just called and spoke to a lady in the office and she said "letters will PROBABLY go out in the mail tomorrow, we are going to work on them today"...looks like i can get out of the window and try to be productive today.
  13. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    I feel like a perched cat on the back of my couch staring out the window for the mail. I have a feeling that the letters will not come until Wednesday but fingers crossed they come today.
  14. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Did you get in to RT? I'm getting so excited
  15. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    I think they least from past forums it looks like they do.
  16. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Time has seemed to fly by and I have been pretty calm up until now...I feel like this next week is going to be wicked stressful.
  17. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    You can also take comparative religions, that's what I did and it's so much less stressful than ethics.
  18. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    from what the feeds in past show we should receive our acceptance letters on April 27...i sure hope so
  19. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Yes. I had to order mine from Ferris and I went there 20 years ago.
  20. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    I took mine Jan 8th as well. I am assuming they just haven't added thst test date yet, I just checked again and it still is not there. I will wait a few more days and check again
  21. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    My score still has not posted on web advisor, i wonder if I'm the only one. I will have to call on Monday.
  22. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Thank you for all of your help, it is so nice to hear from someone in the program.
  23. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Did they tell you what the top 5 scores were?
  24. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    The formula she gave is for the average of the two, this is how they rank everyone.
  25. MCC nursing applicants for 2015

    Deanna no matter what happens I wish you the best.