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All Content by Birdy2

  1. Getting cut short on orientation

    Thanks everybody! I feel a little better about it knowing that some of you have done it with that little orientation. I had just been told by all my nursing friends to take every day of orientation I could get, so I was freaked out when I found out I...
  2. Getting cut short on orientation

    Ya she asked me if I felt comfortable being on my own after next week and I said I think so and to give me until the end of that week to decide. It's just that everyone I work with is pressuring me into being on my own
  3. So several times I've had a patient that needed a med, even important ones like BP and antidysrhythmics, and I couldn't give it because pharmacy hadn't sent it up yet. Well you know how on the emar you have to give a reason for why you gave it late? ...
  4. Heparin flush

    I watched a nurse flush a PICC with heparin and then hook up antibiotics. What is the point in that? Isn't the flush supposed to be given when nothing else is running to prevent clots?
  5. giving meds late when it's not in pixis

    This nurse was orienting me. She has worked there for 8 years and I've been told by everyone I can trust what she says. I was pretty upset myself when she told me I couldn't put that. I will be on my own next week and I'm just gonna document it as no...
  6. giving meds late when it's not in pixis

    Ya I did that the first time and she got mad. I agree it isn't right and don't know who I could talk to about another option. I guess they aren't wanting to make pharmacy look bad but why don't they care if it comes back to me? Confusing.
  7. giving meds late when it's not in pixis

    Well ya I was going to. I was gonna select the option hold and then in the text box write that. But I was told not to. Crazy if you ask me. I told her I was gonna talk to someone about this and she said good luck and acted like I may get in trouble.
  8. Giving meds early/late

    Thank you! I have talked to others since then and got yet another answer. This person said 1 h. They also mentioned that were really allowed to give prn pain meds 30 min early, which I didn't think was ok at all. I would worry about giving too much. ...
  9. question about wasting

    Hey everybody. I am a new nurse, just started a job at the hospital about 3 weeks ago and I am still learning in orientation. Last night I had a patient who was going down, brought to my floor with no oxygen, was supposed to be on 2L (ER SENT HER up ...
  10. When to flush

    So I know you flush before and after giving a med if nothing's running and you pause the pump, clamp, flush, give med, and flush again if what you're giving is incompatible with what's runnjng. But do I need to pause it and flush before if there's co...
  11. When to flush

    Canoehead, at what rate are you considering slow? I'm wondering if I could save time with my antibiotics that are supposed to be given over 3-5 minutes. Most of my patients have had rates of 75-100
  12. question about wasting

    Well I always empty my pockets before I leave. Our carts all have have the same code so anybody who's working could grab them out of there if they wanted and then it will be on me. I can't figure out what else to do. I have been putting them in a poc...
  13. Heparin flush

  14. When to flush

    Oh gosh lol sorry. Just trying to get stuff straight. Thanks for the response

    Ok so are you saying they should have TPN thru one port, Protonix in the other port (PICC) and dilaudid thru a PIV? I guess u figured it was dilaudid PCA, forgot to mention
  16. So with TB I've noticed that Drs will do an AFB smear and culture, along with many other things. If the smears are negative X3 they take patients out of isolation. My question is what about the culture that takes two weeks? I looked it up and often t...
  17. question about wasting

    So all went well. I called and the nurse who got my cart already wasted it with someone else. They hadn't planned on calling because I guess they didn't know who pulled it. But if it had come up missing I would ha e been in trouble obviously. Never p...
  18. Giving meds early/late

    Well it's my butt if something goes wrong so I think I'll just stick with one hour
  19. Pushing flush too slow?

    Where I work and other hospitals that I did clinicals in they push/pause for any INTd Ivs
  20. Pushing flush too slow?

    So the other night I was trying to flush a patients iv that had NS @75. I was giving morphine. So I flushed a little, gave the morphine slowly, then went to flush and was push/pausing it but it stopped flushing. It was fine and then all the sudden wo...
  21. Pushing flush too slow?

    Hmm I'll ask my coworkers about this one. I've never heard that. Thanks for the response
  22. Pushing flush too slow?

    Ya I know. I didn't start that one actually. We had tried everywhere and finally s nurse just went there
  23. Pushing flush too slow?

    Pretty sure it was 22. Like I said maybe I just pushed a little too hard with the after flush, since it was in such a small vein. I'm used to push pausing like that to prevent clots. I will take your advice and use port farthest away next time I'm de...
  24. Pushing flush too slow?

    This patient had to have 3 started one day. We just couldn't keep them in and she was most impossible to stick. I think 6 people tried one day. This last time it blew we had almost run out of places and that one was like right below her pinky. I thin...
  25. Pushing flush too slow?

    Well ok. Do u have any idea what she was talking about when she said sometimes you can push it too slow? She was referring to the morphine. How could that make the iv blow?