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All Content by Birdy2

  1. I had a patient who was needing surgery to scrape the lungs because he had empyema that wouldn't resolve with other treatments. He also needed stents and CABG. the doctors were trying to decide if it was even safe to do the surgery. They said that he...
  2. Heart attack after anesthesia

    Thank you!
  3. When to piggyback This

    Well I told them about signs of hypocalcemia and also that it could cause bone pain, nausea, and fatigue. These are the things that I found to be the most common side effects when I looked it up. Is there something else that I missed? Like I said, I ...
  4. When to piggyback This

    Wow. Of course I didn't run it with anything else just to be safe, but it definitely said that it was compatible with the other med when I looked it up. That's pretty crazy. I'm glad the pump had that warnjng programmed to pop up because I would have...
  5. When to piggyback This

    Ok. I will think about this next time two antibiotics are due at once. Also, can someone tell me what they see zoledronic acid used for usually? I had to give a 15 min infusion of this followed by 15 min infusion of Pepcid for a pt that had just been...
  6. When to piggyback This

    Well thank you karou. That does help. I was wondering why some nurses do that. I also thought that If I needed to keep the pts fluiss running and give an antibiotic that I was supposed to y it in right below the pump to further dilute the antibiotic,...
  7. When to piggyback This

    Thanks everyone! I thjnk i understand better now how it works. I'm still going to ask someone to confirm I've been doing things correctly.
  8. Can someone explain BIPAP to me?

    I have read about it but just trying to get a simple explanation for how it works and why it's used. Thanks!
  9. Can someone explain BIPAP to me?

    Ok thanks. I see a lot of patients on BIPAP where j work on a general med-surg floor. A lot of doctors will order them to be on it and they are usually patients who came in with respiratory problems through the ER or from ICU. Some have orders for co...
  10. When to piggyback This

    Thanks. I know that's how it works but someone else on a different post said that if something were y'd in below the pump to a ns line then it would all flush in at the rate the saline was set to. Maybe they meant if it weren't set to its own channel...
  11. Well thanks for saying that :) I feel like I suck at this right now and like I know nothing. So that definitely helps. I have more to learn than I ever imagined, but I'm doing it :) thanks again!
  12. Vancomycin rate question

    Well I definitely asked before I did it, but j just got different answers. Thanks!
  13. Vancomycin rate question

    Ok. This was a peripheral and my coworkers say the same. The vein is too delicate, chf, vesicant. So that confirms what j know about the rate. And I think I understand how it can be y'd in now too. But one question, if I were to y it in above the pum...
  14. The pt had the flu and pneumonia but was in fact a pain mgmt pt and her pain mgmt dr prescribed those things. She had been getting her scheduled morphine and Ativan PO and then one person gave all of those together at one point. When I had her BP was...
  15. Vancomycin rate question

    Well I checked with pharmacy and they say run it at 250/he but coworkers say not to. My preceptor showed me to y it in above the pump like j said I have been doing, but I saw that someone else y'd it in below and just programmed it under channel b, t...
  16. Secondary and piggyback

    Kiszi, that answered my question. Thanks so much! I thought that's how it was, just got confused by something someone told me the other day.
  17. Secondary and piggyback

    This has been explained to me but I still keep getting confused. If a line is y'd in about the pump to the basic infusion is it runnjng first as a secondary and then the primary flushes after? And if it's y'd in below the pump is it runnjng at the sa...
  18. Getting cut short on orientation

    So as you all can see by my posts, I'm a new nurse. I have been working since November 10th. I just finished my 5th week and my boss just told me this week that after next week she will be letting me go on my own. I'm told by me coworkers and all thr...
  19. Getting cut short on orientation

    Oh and it is a general med-surg floor
  20. Getting cut short on orientation

    Ya I agree. I told them it was harder when they switched my preceptors around every day. For a few weeks j had the same one almost every shift, then had 3 different ones my last week of orientation. That means I had different patients every night as ...
  21. Getting cut short on orientation

    Thanks so much sallyrnrrt! I did tell my preceptor that I didn't understand certain things and she said she would be happy to sit down with me and explain whatever I needed help understanding, but we got busy and didn't get around to it (2 shifts in...
  22. Getting cut short on orientation

    And every nurse always has 6 with at least one admission. That's what slows me down, new admits take me forever.
  23. Getting cut short on orientation

    Thanks for the reassurance everybody. And there's no way I could get less patients. The floor I'm on is crazy busy. I'm just gonna do the best I can and hope I can get some help when I need it. Everyone is willing it's just if they have time.
  24. Getting cut short on orientation

    I agree that when I've been with nurses who let me do it all I am much faster, but of course more nervous.
  25. Getting cut short on orientation

    I'm only gonna be working nights so different shifts won't be a problem. Im mostly worried about charting I'll have to do that I haven't done by myself yet. The nurse I've been working with likes to help me with that stuff and with putting in orders ...