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About crescendo88

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  1. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    Thank you, vpet. I was, too, really surprised how fast the number moved up! I guess considering how many people were out-of-towners at the First Look, they probably chose school near them rather than moving out to cold Chicago. Your number wasn't tha...
  2. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    I was waaaaay in the back of the waitlist and thought, "Oh, I need to reapply for Spring 2017..." But to my surprise, my number keeps going up and I'm finally accepted to the Fall 2016 cohort! So my fellow waitlisters, you might still get in. Or you ...
  3. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    Congrats, nbs11!!!
  4. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    OMG, I got waitlisted, too! Congrats KO_1219! You've been accepted to many programs, haven't you? Which one have you decided to go to? outsiderr, that's not a bad ranking number. You might still get in! I was told by the interviewer that they stop gi...
  5. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    Congrats, vpet!! I bet you feel a lot better!! Which school is your No.1 choice? yup..., 2 more days....
  6. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    hey, guys! I am checking to see how everyone is doing..., if anyone is as nervous as I am!! I know Friday is just 4 days away, and the closer it got, the more nervous I've become!! Congrats to those who already received acceptances to different prog...
  7. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    so, my interview today was so quick. I got there 20 min prior to my scheduled time, and my interviewer was already looking for me! arrrrgh... So vpet, you might want to get there at least 30 min. prior to your time. The interview itself probably la...
  8. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    vpet, my interview is tomorrow at 11am. (I schedule myself earlier in the week, because I wanted to get it over with!!) I agree with you that we are only being interviewed by only one person is nerve-racking. The one person need to like you, or you'...
  9. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    Hi, guys! Arrrrrrgh, why didn't I think of logging into this thread while we were at the first look!! What did you guys think? I really like the last session with the current students. It was easier to picture how our lives will be like being a GEM ...
  10. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    When I emailed last week & asked about scheduling the interview, I was told they will email us "in a few weeks". So this Friday sounds good! I remember reading something about interview process being only 30 min. in the first email I received. Th...
  11. Rush University GEM Fall 2016

    Hi, guys. I, too, submitted my application back in Oct. and received an invite for an interview a few hours after submitting my supplemental. I wonder if they interview everyone who meets the GPA requirement... My stats are cGPA 3.5. BS in Psych. and...