

Psych, case-management, geriatrics, peds

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All Content by rachel100639

  1. LPN Owned Business Ideas

    There are many opportunities. PM me if you'd like my input.
  2. Congratulations! What's Tagalog?
  3. is this normal???

    Typical in long term care. It's not you. You're perfectly normal. It's the extremely dysfunctional system. For instance, you're expected to: move at a ridiculous pace like a chicken with its head cut off, yet also be 100% accurate; be responsible for...
  4. is this normal???

    Unfortunately, the lack if understanding from her CO-workers is more the norm than not.
  5. I hate being a nurse

    Yep, I've done it. I would never work in a traditional nursing home again. I'd rather starve on the street. In fact, one would be hard-pressed to find a bedside nursing job where you're not treated like crap. Yes, you can change careers. I have a cou...
  6. I hate being a nurse

    Give her a break. She's just venting and obviously, she is burnt out.
  7. Anxiety and feeling of dread

    Do you enjoy being a nurse?
  8. Why do nurses treat each other badly?

    Welcome to nursing.
  9. An LPN is very basic. It is a vocational program so it is pretty much the same level as a high school diploma.
  10. RNs treat me like I'm not a nurse

    It's particularly bad with RNS because they are so insecure.
  11. Pocket Snacks for 12 Hour Shift?

    Posts like this never cease to surprise me. The person who posted this and the others who responded seem completely unaware that the question should not be what snacks to carry around for 12 hours in order to prevent getting sick. The underlying issu...
  12. Lpn & asn are are being phased out.

    Theyve been saying this for 30 years. If you want tpo be treated like a pack mule and a doormat, work in a hospital.
  13. Best way to avoid bedside care?

    Don't do anything you hate. It always shows that you hate it, even if you think it doesn't. Do what you want first!
  14. Nurses Week 2016 Freebies

    Nobody pays any attention to nurses day - least of all the facilities/places nurses work. When was the last time anyone received a bonus - or anything for that matter that made any difference to them?
  15. Nurses Week 2016 Freebies

    These aren't freebies. You have to purchase something in order to get them. That is not a freebie.
  16. "Your job is to make me happy"

    Well, the majority of the public do believe that nurses are concierges, babysitters, nanny's, house cleaners, etc. And unfortunately, many times they do agree to take on these roles.
  17. Nurse Bullying

    I don't think your email makes any sense. What do you mean, "no naming of anything and no documentation?" She says to name the behavior and document it. She doesn't say NOT to do those two things. The only time bullying is illegal is if the bullied i...
  18. Lied to in Interview

    I don't mean to be condescending in any way what-so-ever. I take it you have not been a nurse very long? Almost ALL nursing jobs are like this! This is why I decided I'd only do nursing again if I am desperate for money; i.e., I am starving or about ...
  19. Let's Ban the Phrase "I'll Go Get Your Nurse"

    Same old scenario and underlying beliefs: Nurses are to be told what to do - no matter what the task is. Nurses are still treated like paid slaves.
  20. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    Yes, it's really that bad. I quit nursing because of the absurdly long hours, no bathroom breaks or meal breaks, being treated like a servant by patients, families, management, the state boards, crappy pay, unbelievable bullying by other nurses (witn...
  21. I don't want to clean poop

  22. I don't want to clean poop

    No it doesn't. It is custodial work. It is unskilled work. If you think it is skilled...hmmm.
  23. I don't want to clean poop

    Alzheimer's and psych are two separate populations.
  24. I don't want to clean poop

    Well, good for you. I am glad there are people like you who love to clean up #2 and celebrate it when it happens.
  25. I don't want to clean poop

    I've worked in psyc on and off for years. I never had #2 thrown at me! One reason and just one - there are many others) I stopped working in nursing homes or other direct patient care, is the gross stuff one is required to do. Rarely do I have to do ...