

Psych, case-management, geriatrics, peds

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All Content by rachel100639

  1. Am I Making a Horrendous Mistake Choosing Nursing?

    Sounds like she would do well in research.
  2. My professor told us NPs have no future...

    That's because no one wants to be a floor nurse any longer than they can help it.
  3. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    Why would someone stay in acute care when they are treated so badly?
  4. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    Hmmm...you must live in an area that doesn't pay very much.
  5. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    I think in the next 10 years, the typical nursing home will be obsolete. More and more places that are home-like environments are popping up. Baby Boomers will not tolerate the kind of "care" patients now get in a nursing home.
  6. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    Your last couple sentences are not guaranteed. Either you might be too incapacitated to oversee/manage your own or your family members' care or, you could be deceased before anyone in your family needs care.
  7. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    Why won't you state how much? It's not a secret!
  8. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    "Persevered" not "preserved."
  9. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    I cannot help but put my thoughts and experiences in here. I have a couple different careers: 1) Nursing 2) Writer/Editor 3) Teacher ONLY in nursing have I not only witnessed other nurses, but have experienced it myself countless times, being treated...
  10. Why I'm leaving nursing

    You are 28 years old - still very young. You are smart to get out of this field that treats nurses like indentured servants. It does get worse as each year passes. I have 2 other entirely different careers besides nursing and only in nursing do I not...
  11. How do you deal with Doctors that insult nurses?

    Who ever thought for a minute they were Gods?
  12. Nurses Humilated - Illinois

  13. Nurse Resigns by Sending 'I Quit' Cake to Her Employer

    Steilacoom? Isn't that the hideous facility that Francis Farmer was committed?
  14. Nurse Resigns by Sending 'I Quit' Cake to Her Employer

    Good for her! Why should she spend a dime on getting the cake professionally done? If more nurses did things like this, maybe administrators would get the message that they can't treat their employees like crap.
  15. I Left Work Sick- Can I be Charged With Patient Abandonment?

    This is treating nurses as professionals?!? Hope absurd. In no other profession would an employee be expected to work while they were deathly ill - only in nursing. Until nurses stop allowing themselves to be treated like doormats, this abuse will co...
  16. I Left Work Sick- Can I be Charged With Patient Abandonment?

    Yes, but damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you call in sick, they have a hissy fit. If you come in sick, you risk you r health and everyone else's. You can't win.
  17. I Left Work Sick- Can I be Charged With Patient Abandonment?

    It isn't society - it's the nursing profession. Paid slaves - work until you drop, work until you get so sick you put your patients and yourself in jeopardy. God how I hated bedside nursing.
  18. As someone completing a master's degree, looking back, the LPN was High School level work - or so it seemed to me.
  19. Pocket Snacks for 12 Hour Shift?

    I did not see where the original poster stated, "until this underlying issue can be fixed." The fact is, no one mentioned the underlying issue - at all. Unless I missed that somewhere. Did I? As I read my post again, I do not see where I wrote that n...
  20. RNs treat me like I'm not a nurse

    Yes, it's true. After many years - on and off - in nursing, I left. I say on and off because I have a couple of other careers (see below). I keep trying to get into my profile to clarify, but it is not allowing me to get in it for some reason. After...
  21. RNs treat me like I'm not a nurse

    Not sure why my profile says "prenursing student". That's not the case. I'd better fix that!
  22. RNs treat me like I'm not a nurse

    Sorry, You're right. That was certainly a blanket statement. I meant that the field of nursing is rampant with bullying, hostility, unhappiness, etc. In fact, I just read an article about nurses who were interviewed regarding how they felt about thei...
  23. I don't think I am caught up for nursing. med error

    "Nurses tend to belittle newer nurses." This is the understatement of the Century. Your last statement to jcourtnay minimizes the fact that she is being treated like crap.
  24. I don't think I am caught up for nursing. med error

    Most assisted living facilities do not do parameters.
  25. Broken Spirit from boss

    Lol. That's very funny.