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All Content by hope2015

  1. Alvin Fall 2015

    After hearing all this I dont have much hope for Alvin I mean we all have almost the same scores for Hesi and majority of us dont live in Alvin district.. It feels like I already know whats going to happen. Sorry to sound so negative, but its just wh...
  2. Alvin Fall 2015

    @lesia321 its probably just advertisements but i will definitely call back to make sure its not from ACC you dont want to take any chances..! @FutureRn, is that the only two colleges you applied to besides ACC? I'm getting worried as the time passes.
  3. Alvin Fall 2015

    Oh lord..! @Tru4u I can't believe this you have good hesi scores I don't understand why they denied you..
  4. Alvin Fall 2015

  5. Alvin Fall 2015

    Why is time moving so sloww.....
  6. Alvin Fall 2015

    For Lee they make the selection around July ughh this is so frustrating!! Almost all the BSN colleges send out their letters or will be done by april.
  7. Alvin Fall 2015

    I need to find a better hobby other than checking my email a gazillion times everyday one step away from going insane..lol
  8. Alvin Fall 2015

    @futurern i am so sorry to hear that i hope u get in at alvin just keep in mind that god has a plan for you!
  9. Alvin Fall 2015

    I know right!! Its really stupid cuz theres no gurantee that you will get in and if you dont get in then you will have to apply next year and do all the stuff again if it expired.. :/
  10. Alvin Fall 2015

    San Jac both central and North campus extended their deadline to April 17th I would recommend you to apply this fall to every college you possibly can it will simply increase your odds of getting into atleast one of them!
  11. Alvin Fall 2015

    On my email (since I received it today) majority of the ppl got an email on march 30th maybe thats why it didnt say a date anyways it said we will know whether we are accepted, on the alternate list or neither of these by April 24!
  12. Alvin Fall 2015

    Its says on the email we will know by April 24th so most likely we will get it before that date!! I am freaking out i hope i atleast make it into the alternate list
  13. Alvin Fall 2015

    Hahaa i thought it would take one more month to know oh well now i need to prepare myself to hear anything! Just two more weeks ¡
  14. Alvin Fall 2015

    I got the email finally!!!! Omggg, we will know by April 24th whether we are in or not i thought it would be around May... Ahhhhhh im so scareddd!!!@futurern now i understand why you have been checking your email constantly lol
  15. Alvin Fall 2015

    No I will call on friday really getting nervous about this situation. @futurern i applied to san jac both central and north campus, lee college and alvin. The acceptance letters for all of them go out in may :)
  16. Alvin Fall 2015

    What?!??!! Mine begins with a P as well
  17. Alvin Fall 2015

    Stop beating yourself up @forshia you dont know that for sure have some faith! :)
  18. Alvin Fall 2015

    Oh yes, I called today and they said it goes by alphabetic order
  19. Alvin Fall 2015

    Hey @futurern can you please tell me what your last name starts with?
  20. Alvin Fall 2015

    @tru4u: can you please tell me what time you got it? I haven't received one yet I read through the previous forum for alvin's adn program and figured out that they send the confirmation email according to the date that you submitted all the required ...
  21. Alvin Fall 2015

    Did anyone else receive the confirmation email?
  22. Alvin Fall 2015

    I made 87 for the cumulative score and 86 on reading comprehesion! I am satisfied with the grades:) how did you do on your reading comp?
  23. Alvin Fall 2015

    @lesia321 I don't live in the district either:/ how did you do on your hesi if you don't mind me asking
  24. Alvin Fall 2015

    I know i cant believe it either
  25. Alvin Fall 2015

    I just called them and they said they havent gotten to every application yet and they are still working on it. Also that there is like 200 applications so far they did 130 or something!