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About JustKizzy

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  1. Therapeutic Lying With Dementia Patients

    Hi newhospicern... It is so sad. However, dementia is an evil host. They also have Sundowner's. That being said, they have to both be on the same page, so to speak, at the same time... or all hell breaks loose. Living in the past as they do, they ...
  2. Funniest/strangest dementia patient stories

    ... here's hoping someone thought to put a potty chair in that poor lady's room :)
  3. Therapeutic Lying With Dementia Patients

    Sep 23 by JustKizzy I I could have sworn I commented here in Sept. as well, but... this has helped so much I'll do it now :) I was looking for anything new on this subject as we are still so lost, and it brought me back here... this has been so gr...