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All Content by menolly_33

  1. ER Pet Peeves

  2. Jay Leno slams nurses!

    I don't discuss politics cause it makes me go to sleep.
  3. ER Pet Peeves

    I have no problem taking care of sick people regardless of their pay source or lack of. I do have a problem stretching already thin resources for persons that DO NOT NEED TO BE IN THE ER. I so agree with you. Too bad we can't demand big screen tv'...
  4. What punishment should this nurse get?

    I talked with the nurse manager and she was upset over the whole thing because this was one of her best nurses. I guess she really went to bat for this nurse with the DON. Good for the nurse manager! I think the seven day susp. is a bit much, but b...
  5. Jay Leno slams nurses!

    So comedians can't make jokes about your career? Excatly what can he make fun of, do you have a list?, He was just excersizing his right to free speech, something so many it this "politically correct society" - I really hate that word - have forgotte...
  6. ER Nurses Treated Different in my Hospital!

    I just got through reading this entire thread from the beginning to the end, and I really feel like crying, or screaming. People, all areas of nursing are difficult, and thankfully we all can find an area that works for us. I have worked med-surg, ...
  7. Shirts, accessories, etc...

    LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! where do I get one?:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  8. Jay Leno slams nurses!

    I couln't have said it better. For heaven sakes the man is a comedian, he makes fun of everyone. I guess it's ok to laugh until it's your turn.
  9. How many of y'all......

    I've never gotten sick, probably could eat at an autopsy! Have always been like this, I cleaned up the vomit for my brother and sister and mom when I was little. I can still make my mom throw up with my stories of work.:chuckle Have seen a few tha...
  10. ER Pet Peeves

    1.patients that answer the question :Have you seen your doctor about your (fill in the blank) problem that you have had for 3 months, with the answer _ I don't have the money to go to my doctors office:confused: When did the ER become free? Same pa...
  11. I shaved off a patient's mustache. Was I wrong?

    I completely got your point, but the first sentence of your post with the "daddy" was really condescending. Why do you automatically assume the wordy daddy was used in a condecending way. I was raised in the south and have never called by father any...
  12. What punishment should this nurse get?

    Okay I'm still steamed. Doctors close ranks around one of their own that makes a mistake, doing everything possible to shield aother doctor. We all have heard of many doctors practicing that have make horrendous mistakes time after time and this h...
  13. What punishment should this nurse get?

    Very good point! however there was mention of missed 6am meds. Like i previously posted, she if probable just sick about it.
  14. What punishment should this nurse get?

    As you can tell, I still make mistakes, like typing or spelling, sometimes both.:rotfl:
  15. What punishment should this nurse get?

    I can't believe what I'm reading here,:angryfire I'm very glad I don't work with, or for the "1 strike your out crowd." I think she should be given a medal for sitting by the patient and holding his hand rather than tying his hands down like use to...
  16. Unnecessary testing

    in my experiency a lot of the visits to the er can wait till tomorrow, but i don't understand what that has to do with what I wrote. If you feel you need emergency servies come on in, but the most frequent comment I get when I ask a patient why they...
  17. Got any funny acronyms at your ER???

    Wheres the humanity in the patients that have hit, bitten, spit on, yelled out, and called be foul names? I have had all this happen and still gave the patient compent, caring treatment. Having special acronyms to describe some of these lovely peop...
  18. Unnecessary testing

    unfortunately this can mostly be blamed on our "litigation nation". doc's just trying to cover theirs. Some docs have been burned before so now order everything on everybody. We've all heard the hoofbeat story - "if you hear hoofbeats, think horse...
  19. Reglan IV

    over the years i've seen some really bad reactions to reglan, espically when pushed too fast. Saw a woman stand up on her stretcher screaming at her husband wanting to know who that strange man was! It was standard practice in my er to mix the regl...
  20. I am single, have no children and have often recieved both spoken and unspoken messages from those with children that I am somehow less important then they are, and should be willing to work whenever they do not wish to. Fortunately, most nurses are...
  21. Share Your Saying

    hello all, new to this sight, enjoying all the saying, and plan on using a few soon. One of my favorite to use - It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Cuts thru a lot of burcaratic kaka at times.