

Med/Surg, Hospice

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About missninaRN

missninaRN specializes in Med/Surg, Hospice.

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  1. Got this in an email from the OK BON this week: "Effective January 1, 2014, Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses licensed in the State of Oklahoma must meet continuing qualifications for...
  2. Caseload for a Full time Case Manager

    I averaged 12 patients when I was working at my last agency. The agency did not consider travel time when scheduling my visits. I had patients up to 1 3/4 hours away from me that required daily...
  3. I worked a long day yesterday. I went in early, stayed late, and barely had time to eat lunch. If one patient hadn't declined a bath, I would have still been working at 7:00 p.m. (Yes, the nurses are...
  4. In Search of Online World History

    Thanks for the link, will check it out. My community college doesn't offer it online and the online school I'm taking classes with right now doesn't have it
  5. Some kind of stress management program/services for nurses. Maybe a package deal from a day spa specifically for nurses at a significant discount: a massage every week, aromatherapy treatments, yoga...
  6. I am down to my last few prereqs for my chosen online RN-BSN program through Southwestern Oklahoma State University. This semester, I'm taking A & P II, Dev Psych, and Public Speaking through...
  7. Use of pulse oximetry in hospice

    In both the current hospice I work for as well as the one I was with previously, we were not permitted to carry O2 sat meters. As the post above mine explains, we will use O2 for comfort in terminally...
  8. Hospice-love it. More time with patients, less time spent charting, and having weekends and evenings off is great too. I was formerly on med surg Hated it. I hated being inside for over 12 hours,...
  9. The Concerns of My Loving Wife

    I started in the hospital on the day shift, working 3 twelves. It was nice to have 4 days off every week, but it took some planning and paying attention to my physical health to ensure that I had the...
  10. Stress level on a neuro floor

    I worked on a neuro med/surg floor for 16 months with pt load of up to 7. I didn't find caring for neuro patients to be any more stressful than the medical patients (pneumonia, COPD, GI bleeds, etc)....
  11. Much Older People Going Into Nursing

    Your post reminded me of the RN who mentored and trained me in hospice. She works 60-70 hours a week, both as clinical coordinator of a hospice and DON of a LTC facility. She has more nursing...
  12. Much Older People Going Into Nursing

    I started nursing school when I was 43 years old. I excelled in my nursing clinicals and ranked at the top of my class on every exam. By my second year, I was being paid by the school to tutor...
  13. CLEP Natural Sciences & Humanities

    I CLEP'd Humanities with very little prep time. I think it is doable if you are already very familiar with a wide variety of art forms, musical styles, and literature. My childhood was steeped in...
  14. I've only been in hospice nursing for 2 months, but one thing I know for sure is that terminal cancer is painful; controlling the pain of terminal cancer patients is one of the greatest challenges of...
  15. pt. load for case managers

    Tewdles, do you make all nursing visits on those 12-15 patients, or do you also have an LPN? I'm just trying to figure out what to expect at my new job. (I also need to learn to assert myself with my...