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About Arnetha7

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  1. yes. They provide a calculator for you
  2. Thank you so much for the pointers, because I had already begun to stress. I haven't touched physics since high school over 20 years ago! Math is my strongest subject, so I just have to really focus on the vocabulary, reading, and the science.
  3. I actually completed all the questions on the science and reading sections, but time management was a big problem, because I did a lot of guessing. I will test myself using a timer between now and the re-test date. @shrimp, I was told that I can r...
  4. I took it this morning, 4/29/16, and I only scored a 76, because I ran out of time on the reading and science parts! I used the NLN Study Guide, but the content in that book was not compatible with the exam questions. Can someone help me out on what ...