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All Content by HisKonstantine

  1. Where's my planner nerds at?!

    I currently have an Uncalendar. It love it! It's really broken down nicely and has tons of space for getting everything in there. I'm going to need a new one come Fall though. Following this post for new ideas!
  2. NOTES...how do you take yours?

    I do a combo of both. I like to have my laptop open with the pre-printed lecture notes up. I also have a hard copy that I use to write, highlight, draw, etc. If there's something that I can't write fast enough, don't have enough space, or just need t...
  3. Need some help with learning how to memorize.

    Thanks guys for the great recommendations!! I'm definitely a kinesthetic/visual learner so just making outlines and such seems to help more than actually using them to study. I do type notes in class but then I print them out and supplement them with...
  4. Hey all! Third semester nursing student here in the middle of a Peds/OB summer semester. I'm finding myself a little overwhelmed but ready to really make sense of all of this new material. I'm finding that Peds especially is full of material that ju...
  5. Valencia College pre-nursing student

    I'm currently in Seminole State's nursing program ("rival" of Valencia). I initially started at Valencia but my GPA wasn't even close to high enough to get in. I know they look at your pre-req GPA so honestly, if it doesn't even meet their requiremen...
  6. I'm working on my second try at nursing school. The first time I got admitted, I blew it. I was 20 years old and not ready for what was in store for me. I tried to skate through thinking it would be just like high school. I had a major wake-up call w...
  7. Nursing school pain

    In order to be a nursing instructor, a nurse must have their Masters in Nursing Education. They certainly are more than "just a nurse". In terms of how I get through class is pretty simple. There's entirely too much information for the instructor to ...
  8. Would I ever get over the fear of hurting people?

    I don't know a single nurse that likes to hurt their patient. But it's just part of the job and yes, you will get over your fear and succeed with the tasks. I'm still in school but when I'm clinical and doing something to my patients that either hurt...
  9. nursing school THAT hard?

    It certainly isn't a cake-walk. It's not a matter of memorizing a bunch of information and then regurgitating it back during a test. Learning the info is only the first step. The difficulty is learning how to think like a nurse. So you spend the time...
  10. I know that for my ADN program, they only looked at the GPA of my pre-reqs rather than my overall GPA. This was great for me because I, like you, royally screwed up when I first went to college. My overall GPA was only a 2.67. But I'm doing extremely...
  11. Bedpan? Why not a Poise pad?

    A lot (if not all?) of Peds units will weigh diapers in order to monitor I&O. Seems like a pretty simple way to just transition over into an adult setting. (And before I get berated for using the word "diaper", I obviously mean it in terms of bab...

    In all honesty, it isn't very likely that you're going to knock out a 95 on the final if you haven't even come close to that on previous exams. Not saying that it isn't possible and that you shouldn't try, but the odds just aren't in your favor. Anyw...
  13. Passing cut offs

    My program requires a 78% exam average in order for any other course work to factor in. They are also kind enough to round up if you're on the cusp. (77.5% is truly the magic number) But I have no interest in spending my time in school just barely ma...
  14. Mental Health and Basic Med-Surg done!

    Just finals left but I'm already considering myself done with this semester. I absolutely hated Mental Health (no offense to those MH nurses around here, my instructors were just awful) and I'm super happy it's over. Third semester, here I come!! An...
  15. failed nursing school again

    I've been there before. I applied to nursing school in Fall of '06 and was accepted the first time. I was 20 years old and still working on my pre-reqs. I squeaked through Nursing 1 with a C and ended up failing Nursing 2 by one point. It was rough b...
  16. So excited!

    Congratulations!! How exciting! I'm currently finishing up my second semester and about to jump right into summer OB/Peds. It's a crazy ride but can really be a lot of fun if you keep your ducks in a row and the end within sight. Definitely double u...
  17. Mental Health and Basic Med-Surg done!

    Thanks! You too! We didn't have any drop at the withdrawal deadline but I have a feeling we are going to lose a whole bunch after the MH final. Very thankful that I'm able to go into these finals without needing a certain grade to pass.
  18. Almost done with 3rd Semester, I see the light

    Surviving but not exactly thriving anymore. My house is a mess and the kiddo hasn't had her hair washed in too many days but we're still here and I'm still kicking butt in school. Can't imagine 8 kiddos though!! Holy cow!!!
  19. Planner for nursing school

    I use an Uncalendar and I love it. It breaks down each week with so much space everywhere so I never get overwhelmed.
  20. Help I failed out of a Nursing Program in NY

    I failed out of nursing school back in 2008. I applied to a new school last April and got accepted my first try. It depends on why you failed too. Poor grades vs. something on your academic record like failing clinicals, patient harm, or cheating are...
  21. How does everyone else survive while you go to school?

    I live in Leesburg!! I am in the Nursing program at Seminole State College though. Howdy neighbor! Currently, I don't work but my husband actually works two jobs. We have an almost-three-year-old so life is pretty hectic. There is no time for leisur...