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All Content by HisKonstantine

  1. Took NCLEX yesterday

    I graduated nursing school in June and waited FOREVER for my ATT. So many of my cohort had already tested and started working while I was still waiting for the OK. But it finally came and I picked my date. I was expecting to finish with 75 questions....
  2. Receiving your ATT

    It took almost 8 weeks to get mine. I submitted everything on time. They just told me that there were so many other applicants right now that they were back-logged.
  3. Question about nursing diagnosis 'related to' factors

    If this were my care plan, I would choose related to immobility because that's the most likely cause of skin breakdown. Yes, being overweight and receiving radiation can also cause breakdown but it isn't guaranteed. All caretakers must be vigilant ab...
  4. TEAS exam Failed.. Help!

    Well .. at least you're honest with yourself knowing that you weren't able to just wing it. I spent three months preparing for my TEAS. I suggest getting yourself a study guide specifically for the TEAS and doing as many practice exams as you can and...
  5. What to expect at Mental Health Placement

    While my mental health rotation was in a hospital rather than a home setting, their care is still the same. Student nurses do a lot of listening in their MH rotation. We're not there to fix their problems. We're not there to make them better. We're t...
  6. Daytona or Seminole state nursing program Spring 2016

    I am currently in Seminole State's program. I can tell you that no one that was accepted into my class had any pre-reqs left to complete. Their policy is that you can apply and be accepted if you are in the process of finishing your last pre-req. In ...
  7. You let yourself be upset for a little while (seriously. a very very small amount of time.) and then you shake it off and conquer it. Skills check offs are intimidating no matter how confident you are. They're rough but we all get through them. When ...
  8. Need something positive!

    In my program, the GPA wasn't too important. They were more interested in how well we had done in our pre-reqs and how long ago they were finished; the older, the better.
  9. Why the weight gain in Nursing School?

    I'm in my fourth semester and I've definitely gained weight. My eating habits haven't changed but my activity level certainly has. I find myself sitting on my butt waaaaay more than I was before nursing school. It's not because I'm lazy but rather th...
  10. Paying for Nursing School

    I go to Seminole State College in Florida. There's also Valencia Stage College here that does it as well.
  11. Paying for Nursing School

    Have you looked into community college concurrent programs? My program is an ADN/BSN concurrent program. You do your BSN coursework as you're working on your ADN. Once you graduate with your ADN, you have one more semester and then you graduate with ...
  12. Ebook or Textbook?

    I like to have my resources in eBook. I absolutely have to have my textbooks as a physical copy. I stare into those pages for hours. My eyes would fall out of my head if I tried to read a screen for that long. Now a success book, lab book, or another...
  13. Note taking in class....how do you do it.

    I switch it up a little bit every semester depending on the instructor's teaching style and the content. This semester is Advanced Med-Surg so there's a lot of content. I'm typing my notes in class this time. We get our lecture notes ahead of time so...
  14. I love Nursing School

    This was my entire OB class this past summer. The day before every exam, we had a lecture on brand new material. It was really rough. But! If I can do it, so can you! Good luck!
  15. Online statistics class

    I didn't take stats online, I took it traditionally on-campus. It doesn't involve a lot of math so I found it to be easier than previous courses. I could have done better in the class over-all but I slacked off in the end. Just keep up with your assi...
  16. I give up!

    Are we going to the same school? I feel like I could have written this. But instead of thinking about quitting, I'm focusing on just how close I am to graduating. Honestly, nursing school is a beast and no one will ever understand it until they've be...
  17. Hello! Second year nursing student here. One thing that a lot of people in my program still haven't gotten used to is how "unstructured" nursing school is. Yes, there's a schedule. Yes, there are due dates. But things can and do change at the drop of...
  18. Survived the worst semester yet!

    This summer had the absolute worst semester of my program. It was Peds and OB during a shortened semester. We had an exam every week and an eight hour lecture day. Super brutal. But! It's finally over and I get a whole three weeks of summer to enjoy....
  19. Frustrated, feeling prejudged...

    I have quite a few students in my class that started working in the medical field before they started nursing school. Techs, medics, EMTs, so on and so forth. They all start out thinking they know everything and are just going through the motions to ...
  20. Best planner for nursing school?

    For my first year of nursing school, I used the full-sized Uncalendar. I loved it. So much space to write in everything I needed. I finished it with the end of my third semester. I'm now going into my second year, and picked one up at Office Depot. T...
  21. What are you looking forward to...

    Getting a job doing something I love and then coming home from a long day and doing whatever I feel like! The whole not having homework thing is what I'm looking forward to the most at the moment. Having more quality time with my family as well.
  22. Nursing School Supplies

    I definitely second the laser printer! I wish I had one but ... I don't. For each class, I have a separate binder. I usually go for the 3" so there's plenty of room. I also use the 1-15 numbered dividers, one for each week. I would suggest a good st...
  23. Nursing School and Being a parent?

    It's hard. I won't lie. I have a three and a half year old and I'm going into my fourth semester. I have managed to maintain all A's and B's as well. I have an awesome support system that without, I would have failed out in the first semester. My hus...
  24. Any tips for a new nursing student?

    I'm almost finished my third semester (only 19 days to go!!). Organization is key, as others have already said. I like to have big binders for each class and keep them neat and pristine. That way when I'm studying, it's all right at my fingertips ra...
  25. How much free time do you have while in school?

    I'm currently in my third semester and I have very little free time. But it depends on the course load. I'm taking OB/Peds together this summer and it's insane. It's only 12 weeks instead of 15 so it's an exam every week and it's A LOT of information...