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All Content by auchiepie

  1. Solid NCLEX strategies

    If there was a love button, I'd click it!!
  2. IV Calculation Help!

    When in doubt dimensional analysis always works! Try to put the units you have on one side and on the other side of the equal sign put the units you want. For #1, when you cancel the ml (denominator) with the ml (numerator) you end up with (10,000 un...
  3. nclex help

    Dont ever give up! I graduated spring of 2013 and have taken the nclex more than 3x over the past year. I finally passed this July and know that all through the tears it wss worth it. Trust me bitter doesn't even to begin how ive felt about my failin...
  4. Fundamentals- Done!

    Yea definately! Also even though you mightve gotten a B or B- when you hoped for that A A-. The easier nursing classes end up bringing that overall gpa up in the end aka fundamentals, intro to nursing, leadership, etc. The harder classes are definate...
  5. Fundamentals- Done!

    Nursing is one of the hardest majors to major in in college. Congrats to you! Keep it mind it only gets harder from here on out. When you're down, remember passing is passing and thats all that counts!
  6. Dilemma

    Agreed you should take the job and keep applying. The average time for a new grad to find a job is 6 months. At least you can get 6 months worth of experience and then move on to bigger and better things.
  7. Fundamentals- Done!

    lmao! Pass the popcorn this way!
  8. New grad needing help finding a job

    Hey I know there are tons of threads already about new grads not being able to find jobs. I graduated May 2013 and got my license this year. I have gone on two interviews already. The first interview I went on seemed interested and had me send them a...
  9. And I Passed!!

    High level questions are SATA, priority (which patient would you see first), and delegation. The low level questions are questions you either know or you dont, lab values, basic kind of definition questions, questions that you can't really strategize...
  10. And I Passed!!

    congrats!! enjoy your weekend you definitely deserve it !
  11. Shot off in 75q waiting for my result

    Good luck to you awaiting your results! I think this is the best reply for the trick. It sounds like you were high level for most of your test, which could be good or bad. It sounds like you could've been drawing the passing line every time or been ...
  12. Hey! first off congrats on getting your undergrad. I actually just went through an ABSN program and know a few other people who have gone/ are going through them in different schools. ABSN programs are crazy, but well worth it. If you feel like you w...
  13. Don't give up!

    From what I believe and have researched, employeers cannot see how many times youve taken the exam. Also I know in NY you have to wait every 45 days, which goes by really fast, until you can retake the exam. Some states require you to remediate and ...
  14. New Grad from MN Looking for work in NYC

    Im a new grad with my license in ny and ive had a horrible time even getting a call for an interview. Even when I do give my resume to my "connects," during my interview they realize I have no experience as an RN and basically shut me down immediatel...
  15. NCLEX Today at 1pm

    good luck! you guys got this!!
  16. Don't give up!

    Congrats to you! I was in the same boat until recently when I found out I passed. The only number that counts is the number of times you passed, not failed!
  17. Waiting to hear from Bronx Lebanon Hospital

    So, my mom offered to let me file for dual reciprocity in another state. I think I'm going to start the paperwork from there and try to start applying to other hospitals from there and let them know I'm in the process of getting my license in that st...
  18. New grad needing help finding a job

    Yes they were both at hospitals. I would be down to do a new grad program the only thing is, those are like at least a year long. I feel like I would rather take my chances job hunting and most likely landing a job within at least 6-8 months, rather ...
  19. Failed NCLEX 2X

    Yes it definitely depends on how you study and what you're use to. But I disagree that the NCLEX is knowing the material rather than strategy. I know people, myself included, who could tell you verbatim what the content means, what the book says, but...
  20. Failed NCLEX 2X

    First off don't lose hope! I took my NCLEX a few times (I won't mention how many) and was devastated, borderline depressed every time I failed. If it makes you feel better 2 of the times i took it i went all the way to 265. Yea, I wanted to punch the...
  21. Waiting to hear from Bronx Lebanon Hospital

    No you're most certainly right! At least we've gotten interviews and have the feel of what they ask. And yea half of it is luck, or a lot of it is luck lol. And don't apologize because it is nice to talk to someone thats in the same boat. A lot of t...
  22. Waiting to hear from Bronx Lebanon Hospital

    But yea I have applied to hospitals upstate and still no luck. But I actually have considered it, but all my family and friends have been telling me to wait it out at least 6 months. I'm so impatient though I'm not sure if I can wait that long, joble...
  23. Waiting to hear from Bronx Lebanon Hospital

    At this point, sad to say, but my gut makes me feel like we're both out of the running already. Maybe someone with experience got the job. Oh well, nothing we can do about it =(. There are job expos, the soonest one i found in NY is in October -->...
  24. Waiting to hear from Bronx Lebanon Hospital

    Well I applied for a general position but the interview I had was for the emergency department. I know it's nuts there and trust me if I had other opportunities I would've taken them, but at this rate I'd take anything any hospital gives me. The pers...
  25. Officially an RN!

    Congrats! Doesn't it feel amazing? The first thing I did was clean out all my unnecessary books, deleted all my nursing practice question apps, and had a drink with some friends. Enjoy the weekend! You deserve it!