Tomascz ASN, RN

Wound care; CMSRN

Living the dream

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All Content by Tomascz

  1. Your opportunities are only limited by your imagination. Ethanol is an anesthetic of sorts; not your best bet for building an imaginative future. Crazy as I am, I think the beautiful accepting tone of the responses you've gotten from a bunch of nurse...
  2. Tomascz

    Health Care is Not a Right

    You have no inherent rights. The concept of "rights" on it's face, particularly in libertarianism, is failed dogma because nobody lives in a vacuum, not even the sociopath Ayn Rand. We all depend on other people to be able to exercise our "rights". I...
  3. Tomascz

    Is being a CNA a really hard job?

    Floor nursing is hard work and people do it for 30 and 40 yrs. The difficulty varies from day to day depending on your census and the acuity of your patient load and whether or not you got enough sleep the night before and a hundred other things. It'...
  4. Tomascz

    Is being a CNA a really hard job?

    I think you're pulling our leg, but yeah, being a CNA is both hard, back breaking work, and one of the best intros I can think of to nursing. Get a job on a rehab floor; the PT's will show you how its done. The human spine can really only manage a ...
  5. Tomascz

    No rehire !!!!!!!!!!

    What I don't see here is any discussion of what the nurse in question is risking. My education and license cost me a serious chunk. School was no cakewalk and I was on the hook for thousands. It's true no one is owed a job (I've been an employer in a...
  6. Here's the meat: Many hands make light work. Stop whining and start making change. Be the example for the behavior you want to see in your patients and co-workers. ...
  7. Tomascz

    42 Years Old - Is it too late to become a nurse?

    I started at 57 and it took me 5 years to get my ADN. I drove 100 miles round trip every day to school or clinicals. I also worked. I did not have 3 small children although some of my classmates were single moms and they managed. You can do it but it...
  8. Tomascz

    What is your nursing "joy?"

    When that Doc who's been a dismissive pain in your ass says "good catch" when you keep him from injuring one of your patients.
  9. Tomascz

    What Do You Love About Nursing?

    At some point during school, while conferring with my instructors as to why they shouldn't kick me out of the program for one clinical or academic failure or other I asked them if they'd ever considered subjecting applicants to a psych eval; cut to t...
  10. Tomascz

    For The Love Of All That Is Holy . . . .

    "Tow the line" or tow that line, dates back to a time when barges were towed by a bunch of guys on a rope or tow line. It was nasty and hard and didn't pay worth a crap; kind of like nursing.
  11. Tomascz

    "Your job is to make me happy"

    "My job is to keep you alive til shift change; then I'm going home. How's your pain?"
  12. Tomascz

    Nursing is the Biggest Mistake of My Life

    A) You haven't graduated yet, or passed the NCLEX; I'm thinking you've got a lot more to worry about than getting a job. B) You can't get blood out of a rock; you worry about getting a job when YOU are ready. There are millions of us out here that ar...
  13. Tomascz

    Abandoned hospital in Detroit

    This one's for sale: This Abandoned Hospital in Detroit Is Reality, Not a Set on 'The Walking Dead'
  14. I too have been shooting for an OR job. I applied for 4 different positions in and around the OR at one hospital last night as a new grad, hoping to land any position near the OR, hoping to up my long term chances of actually working in the OR. Where...
  15. Tomascz

    new grad: cant find a job

    Just an FYI; that url I posted up the thread a ways often has positions posted for residencies for working nurses that want to get into critical care or some other specialty but lack hard experience but aren't new grads (lots of residencies want peop...
  16. Some of my best "ins" have been other students from the class ahead of me who I know that know me and are willing to put a bug in their nurse mgr's ear. Unless the Doc is looking to hire a green nurse for some reason, your contact is probably not muc...
  17. Tomascz

    Jobs and Letters of Recommendation

    Different programs have different requirements vis a vis letters and other tools they use to sort the wheat from the chaff. I've submitted personality tests and had my references subjected to several waves of phone calls, personality and work habits ...
  18. Tomascz

    new grad: cant find a job

    Initiative and critical thinking are salable traits. I get 30+ jobs a day in my inbox. 95% are not what I'm looking for but I get a gem every other day at least. It doesn't cost anything to apply and you can get some useful tips from the rejects. Nur...
  19. Tomascz

    An open letter to the #NursesUnite movement

    signed It's going to take a single payer health system and removal of profit from the picture to get this changed; but what the hell.
  20. Tomascz

    An open letter to the #NursesUnite movement

    Here we go. Evidence based practice; can't go wrong. Campaign History | Future of Nursing | Campaign for Action
  21. Tomascz

    An open letter to the #NursesUnite movement

    Any chance we could funnel all this outrage into getting 3 million nurses to unionize and get the corporations to stop hollowing out the nursing profession from the inside?
  22. What I'm loving about these posts is I'm getting an inside education before I even stick my neck out there. I couldn't pay for this stuff; nobody would tell me except you guys. This stuff is happening sotto voce and behind the scenes. The closest I g...
  23. Sounds like you heard what you wanted to hear, Linda. You're making this way too personal; "I have no idea" who decides to unload on a perfect stranger on a semi public forum with little or no provocation. I agree with your take on the status quo tho...
  24. Well, between "avenging spirit" "LindaRN" and Nurse Diane I'm about to slit my wrists (not really; I'm actually fairly stable for a 62 yo new grad ADN, unemployed, with a shiny new license and $51,000. in loans on the horizon who's applied, interview...
  25. Tomascz

    58 years old - Am I too old to start nursing school??

    Yes you are, but don't let that stop you. I'm 62 and I got my license in June; passed the NCLEX on the first try; computer stopped at 78 questions. That and $4.50 will get me a latte' at Starbucks. Depending on whether you've already got recent colle...