Ifeoma Pamela

Ifeoma Pamela


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All Content by Ifeoma Pamela

  1. Union University Nurse Anesthesia

    Hello! I recently applied for the start date of fall 2016. Anyone else hear anything back? Thanks
  2. Univ. Southern Mississippi 2019

    I am a current student. I know we just held interviews this week. How'd yours go?
  3. Should I bother applying to CRNA school?

    Keep applying. They will most likely talk about that at your interview. Explain yourself honestly. You'll do fine.
  4. Medical ICU not enough?

    My opinion, if there is opportunity, go to SICU. I left neuro icu in January to SICU. I don't know if that had part i my acceptance to a program. But regardless, best decision ever. Exposed to soo much more. Fresh hearts, LVADS, ECMO, etc. In SICU, I...
  5. Texas Wesleyan CRNA 2017

    My interview is at 1pm
  6. Texas Wesleyan CRNA 2017

    The email does not say but she told me it is for a hospital in Fort Worth. Its January 13th
  7. Texas Wesleyan CRNA 2017

    Just got my email to interview.
  8. Texas Wesleyan CRNA 2017

    I called this afternoon and she said I would receive an actual email with my interview date. Most of yall should just bite the bullet and call. I'm from Texas and my clinical site, I believe she said, is in Fort Worth.
  9. University of Southern MS Crna interview

    I got a call yesterday! I'm in! I thank God!!!
  10. University of Southern MS Crna interview

    I had my interview yesterday. Just be yourself and make sure you know everything you said you know on your resume. Its free game.
  11. Minneapolis School of Anesthesia

    Hello! Has anyone applied for the program for the fall start of 2016? I applied and have not heard anything yet :-/
  12. UNF Interview - Spring 2017 Start

    Hello, I am scheduled to interview with UNF in a couple of weeks. What should I expect? This is my first interview, and I am preparing to interview for 4 hours!! I read scattered things about the program and the director. Big panels do not make me ne...
  13. Western Carolina University CRNA starting 2017

    Yeah I called last week and they said we'll hear either before or shortly after the May 15th deadline
  14. UNF Spring 2017

  15. UNF Spring 2017

    Yes. Good luck to you. Where are you coming from? I am coming from Texas.
  16. UNF Spring 2017

    April 23. I will be coming in from out of state.
  17. UNF Spring 2017

    I am interviewing.
  18. UNF Interview - Spring 2017 Start

    I have no idea how long the actual interview is. That's what I'm hoping to find out. I'm from Texas so the out of state tuition is crazy, but it'll all be worth it some day.
  19. UNF Spring 2017

    I recently applied as well. Good luck to you all!
  20. University of South Carolina Starting 2017

    Yes, same email I received. Good luck to you!
  21. Western Carolina University CRNA starting 2017

  22. University of South Carolina Starting 2017

    Not yet! I applied also. Still waiting for them to receive all my documents. Good luck!
  23. Minneapolis School of Anesthesia

    good luck at your interviews.
  24. UAB

    Same here í ½í¸”
  25. University of Arizona CRNA Program

    Okay, cool. Continue to do your research and get as involved in your hospital as possible!