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All Content by ClaireMacl

  1. Increase in I&D's in the South?

    Reading this and coming from the UK, I know nothing of Dial. I do however believe that antibacterial soaps and the like might actually do more harm than good in the long term! Bare in mind that I don't have the research at hand at the moment, but I k...
  2. Did anyone here NOT get the HepB shot series?

    In the UK, we have no choice as to whether to have it or not! I have a friend, a very healthy guy thankfully, who's mum chose to give him no vaccinations during childhood... his first injection ever was the compulsory HepB and HEAF test for the BCG. ...
  3. Evil People

    I guess we are lucky in my ED because anyone under 18 who comes in intoxicated, having self harmed, overdosed or anything of that sort automatically gets referred to paediatrics and admitted. Granted, that wouldn't have stopped the rediculous behavio...
  4. New Years nightmare?

    On the night shift of the 31st (only just NYE), I ran three cardiac arrests, more than I ever had in our resus in one night. I was whacked for the whole day physically and emotionally, ended up staying in alone for the bells, not like a scottish girl...
  5. advice needed re: med error

    First of all, well done on immediately admitting your error, that is the number one rule! I'll be honest, in my first two months of nursing (been doing it 3 1/2 years now), I made a huge error of giving actrapid instead of insulin to a pt. I realised...
  6. removing skin staples

    Staples should be ok to remove, but you have to go right to the centre and push quite hard on the removers to get them out, they should bend in at the centre then and just tug out.
  7. Afc

    There are sooo many faults in banding coming out! I've found A&E depts in London who band 5 for E grades, where most band at 6. Experience not being taken into account in higher posts and, most importantly, the fact that agenda for change was sup...
  8. ER the most physically demanding?

    I think the ED is more emotionally draining that physically. Sure, we spend approx 11 of our 12 hours on our feet constantly more than often, but I don't find that as hard as the emotional aspect. For instance, last night I ran resus and aside from t...
  9. Coworker quit/fired! Should we know what happened or not?

    Ok, I'm not from the US and not really familiar with HIPPA, but I believe we have the same regulations more or less. My slant on the story and why I voted yes (in part) to should we be told is... in the past two months, we had two senior nurses on di...
  10. Help...what can I expect?

    Depends what type of group interview it is... but if its the type I think, I've been briefed on what my collegues went through. Basically we have gradings here and the D grades are newly qualified or junior nurses, the E grades are senior staff nurse...
  11. Sick, sick sick of IBS

    I was suspected for having Crohn's for quite a while in the past few years, the gastro has now said it is one of the worst cases of IBS-D he has seen. I've not had a respite in over two years and am constantly taking loperamide (which only slows thin...
  12. A Nurse Saved My Nephew

    What a great story, I hope the nurse in question gets to know how grateful you all are!!!
  13. OPINION PLEASE-er triage situation-overwhelmed!

    The only thing I can think of in early pregnancy with non-viable bleeds is ectopic pregnancies. I had a woman who was 6/40 the other day, generalised cramping abdo pain with bleeding, she herself stated she thought she was miscarrying. All her obs w...
  14. How do you know if you've got what it takes to be an ER nurse?

    P.S. I got two weeks orientation when I started in my ED three years ago... virtually none shadowing staff in the department. Things, I think and hope, have changed since then!
  15. How do you know if you've got what it takes to be an ER nurse?

    I agree that some people who have worked elsewhere for some period of time will bring "set in their ways" ideas with them, however, I think that spending some time in a med/surg setting allows a new grad to get some grasp on time management, an ideal...
  16. Suction???

    Without suction at every bedside in my ED, I can't imagine how many patients I'd have lost When I worked on the wards, the suction was there too, though I've no idea how often it was checked.
  17. How do you know if you've got what it takes to be an ER nurse?

    Depends where you work, in the UK most say try and get experience first. Others here have said you can go straight in. I personally am thankful that I done an 8 month med/surg rotation before going into the ED, without it, I would have felt like I wa...
  18. Happy Boxing Day, ya'll!

    I was listening to the radio yesterday and they said that the tradition of Boxing Day started with St Stephen where people waited until the day after Christmas to give their gifts (not empty boxes, lol).
  19. Not a very merry christmas!

    I'm so sorry. I read about that story in the news and wondered if all the victims went to the same hospital, I guess from that they did. How awful. I find it hard enough talking to the families after such events, but on Christmas day, that's just uni...
  20. What is an HCA?

    HCA i in the UK is a healthcare assistant! They take obs, do personal care and assist the nurses etc. Just thought I'd add that even though I know its a US question, some UK based students might be wondering the same thing
  21. RN views on direct to room triage

    They tried it here, it didn't work!
  22. UK training = dangerous?

    This is an interesting topic and one which would be too complex to go into fully in a post - I done an essay on the topic and was astounded by what I found as part of my mentorship course. In 2004, K. Duffy was asked to research the failure to fail b...
  23. Moving to London--Need OB questions answered

    Hi, I think the only thing I have to add is that although you will be entitled to free healthcare from your time of coming to this country, this does not mean that you will necessarily get the meds for conception. It can take up to six months sometim...
  24. REST BREAKS for Nurses in The ER

    Hiya, I am both a current smoker (4 months, bad me!) and an ex non smoker so in my time in the ED, I've seen both sides of the book. I think there are alot of issues and most have come up in my ED too. Everyone, but everyone should be entitled to at ...
  25. Standard Times for Vital Signs

    In our ED, its 1 hour obs for Majors patients, 15 minute for Resus patients and once at triage for minors unless otherwise indicated. Never actually read the rational, I'd be interested to see it though!