

Hematology/Oncology, Critical Care

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About sbush86

sbush86 has 5 years experience and specializes in Hematology/Oncology, Critical Care.

27 year old Naval nurse born in Montgomery, Alabama, but was raised in Franklin, Tennessee. I am the middle of 2 brothers (and the only girl!). I graduated from Brentwood High School in 2005, and got my BSN from Tennessee Technological University in 2009, after which I began my Navy career. I started out in Portsmouth, Virginia, and now live in Pensacola. I have one deployment under my belt, to Djibouti, Africa. I have three fur babies, named Xena, Bella, and Louie, and am married to the most amazing human ever, my husband Chris.

Latest Activity

  1. Troops to Fight Ebola

    Right... I understand on the one hand that this is a big crisis, and they need help. But at what point does the US demand someone else take the lead on an issue? Why send an already weary military to do the dirty work everywhere? And how does one ...
  2. Troops to Fight Ebola

    Also, google "troops to fight ebola" and several other news sources have the same story.
  3. Troops to Fight Ebola

    Obama to announce troops, funds to fight Ebola -
  4. Troops to Fight Ebola

    Good morning all, I was just reading the news this morning and saw that President Obama has plans to send about 3,000 troops to Liberia to help fight Ebola. I was wondering what my fellow military nurses think of this plan? I have mixed feelings......
  5. Want To Become A Navy Nurse

    They can and they do, BUT, in order to make 0-5, you HAVE to have a master's degree. That is true for the entire military, not just nursing or medical, but anyone. It could be in underwater basket weaving, as long as you have your master's you can ...
  6. Want To Become A Navy Nurse

    To be on a carrier, you need to have ICU or ER experience first. So a snapshot of what I have done: I went to ODS in July 2009. After leaving there, I headed to Naval Medical Center Portsmouth in Virginia. I started out on a Med/surg floor but I ...
  7. Want To Become A Navy Nurse

    Ok, straight from the horse's mouth. I am an Active Duty Navy nurse, and I have been for the past 5 years. I started out brand new, no prior experience in either nursing or the military (22 years old, had just graduated from college). I am current...