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All Content by KristenGuilbeau

  1. charity son spring 2015

    Hi Chris! We made a Facebook page so it is easier to communicate on there! Its Charity School of Nursing Fall Class of 2016. Add us! :)
  2. charity son spring 2015

    Facebook me! Kristen Nicole's a picture of me and the bf standing on the beach.
  3. charity son spring 2015

    I'm in ladies!!!!!!
  4. charity son spring 2015

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!! I am so excited today is the day!!!! Did they tell you your score??
  5. charity son spring 2015

    OMG! I am in class!! I need to know!!!
  6. charity son spring 2015

    I heard the same thing.. I have a friend who graduated this May, and she landed a great job at Touro working L&D.. She needs it to pay off those student loans! I looked into going there, after I figured out tuition, and fees I said forget it! I d...
  7. charity son spring 2015

    I have heard that happen to multiple people.. I wonder if Charity does that? Or do they put you on a waiting list?
  8. charity son spring 2015

    omg.. That is a sick joke! I would die if someone did that to me.. I am hoping that it is a good sign for you! Hopefully today you hear something!
  9. charity son spring 2015

    Hopefully some of us get good news today! These next few days I will be EXTREMELY nervous.. I have been telling myself lately "The decision is made, my name is already on some type of envelope either being an acceptance letter or a "Thank you for you...
  10. charity son spring 2015

    OMG! That is LATE! I have heard acceptance letters are in big envelopes, and rejection letters are in the small envelopes. I have gathered that from looking at past forums.. Hopefully we all get a BIG envelope!
  11. charity son spring 2015

    Same here! I am lucky to get my mail before 4! My mailman is not the brightest... I watch him go to the same house multiple times. He does not know this, but if this letter is not delivered to me safe and sound he might have big issues on his hands! ...
  12. charity son spring 2015

    I just called Charity for myself, letters were sent out TODAY and went by MAIL!!! OMG this is so real now!
  13. charity son spring 2015

    A good friend of mine also applied to Spring 15, and called Charity this morning.. The lady on the phone said letters are getting sent out this week. But, did not say if they are going out by email, or regular mail. I am so excited!!! THIS WEEK
  14. charity son spring 2015

    I have not called lately.. Mostly because I feel it is a somewhat of an "automatic" answer.. "You will be notified Mid-October and it will be sent out email or mail.." I know they are probably busy, and get flooded with calls everyday. I am trying to...
  15. charity son spring 2015

    Oh man, these last few comments have me feeling hopeless. I really pray that I get in. My nerves are so bad, all i can do is obsess about it. I feel so discouraged now.. I will continue to pray for all of us to get in! I will not give up- I know thi...
  16. charity son spring 2015

    Haha! I told my boyfriend the same thing the other day. That I will frame my letter.. He thinks I am nuts, and that I am over obsessing with knowing or not! He has all faith that I will get in, I on the other hand, do not. I do think the mid- October...
  17. charity son spring 2015

    I hope your feeling is right! My nerves would really appreciate that! I will be so nervous to open that email!
  18. charity son spring 2015

    Y'all are not alone! It is almost like an illness.. It is all I think about, and I am pretty sure friends/family are tired of hearing me talk about it.. LOL! I just want to know soo bad! I spoke to a lady at Charity this morning, she said the same th...
  19. charity son spring 2015

    I know, I'm just remaining hopeful they come early. Ms Wilson was such a sweetheart to me! I am sad she is gone! Do you know who replaced her?
  20. charity son spring 2015

    Hopefully they follow the patterns of recent years and we get our letters around September 20th! Fingers crossed!
  21. charity son spring 2015

    LOL! I feel the same way! This is the only site that I know of, unfortunately. While I am supposed to be working, I find myself spending a majority of my day reading stories on here. Hopefully, we receive letters early. But if not, this will surely b...
  22. charity son spring 2015

    Do yall know if the amount of times applied has something to do with if you get in or not? I have a profile score of a 75-80 but this is my first time applying. People who have applied more than once, do they get the benefit of the doubt? Just a ques...
  23. charity son spring 2015

    OMG! I hope you are right, and that I calculated my score correctly. I have been praying with my fingers and toes crossed. Wish everyone the very best!
  24. Charity School of Nursing spring 2015 assessment sheet

    What was your profile score the first time you applied?
  25. charity son spring 2015

    Hey guys, it is September! I am so anxious.. Looking back at recent threads, they received their letters 2 weeks early, like late September. I can't wait to know! I am currently in a Phlebotomy program, which required me to get all of my shots &...