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All Content by hybr1d

  1. Feeling a little discourage

    You learned from this and as the others have said the patient is alive. Some colleagues do come off that way but try to shrug it off, I bet they have made mistakes or misses themselves, we all do at some point. You've talked to the doctors and done y...
  2. I'm working at a diabetes/kidney acute medicine ward and have since I started in October noticed there's some nursing colleagues disgruntled due to the pressure nurses are under. A lot of overtime hours and since we have flex hours (not sure if it's ...
  3. Getting put as an nurses' aid on shifts.

    I have my usual monthly plus extra for inconvenient hours so the same as if I was a nurse for the day. Our boss when I asked why I was put as an aide said that "Ohhh but it's not like that, it's more like 2 nurses", but everybody knows it doesn't wor...
  4. Getting put as an nurses' aid on shifts.

    I wish it was like this here in Sweden! The nurses union say we can't say no to the direkt nursing care but don't need to do kitchen, cleaning etc but feels even worse making a point of this though I believe I will if it happens again. Exactly! It f...
  5. Getting put as an nurses' aid on shifts.

    Oh, glad I haven't been shouted at yet! There's some who thinks it's bad nurses not wanting to take aides shifts but it's mostly the aids expressing it, at my workplace that is.
  6. IM inj hitting humerus

    Hi. I'm a new nurse on my first nursing job. I was giving vaccinations today on 2 teens. One of them was really really skinny and I managed to hit bone. I've been feeling horrible all day, naive me never even thought of that happening, no one ever me...
  7. IM inj hitting humerus

    Wow, owwwww, omg I can understand why your friend still feels bad about it! How does it work in US, do you get to practice on eachother or volunteers before you get to go practice for real? We never had, patients were our guinea pigs unfortunately. ...
  8. RN starting pay in you area

    Can iI chip in even though I'm not in US? Salary differs a lot here. This is my first nursing job, I got a starting salary of 2550 euros/month at a private clinic. Evenings and weekends is like 4 euros per hour on weekdays and a bit more on weekends....
  9. IM inj hitting humerus

    Do you know any youtube vid or pdf where that is explained/shown? I haven't had that explained either, basically "this for im, this one for sc". I asked if I could use a sc needle before and got told no. I did tell the boss (also nurse) yesterday I w...
  10. IM inj hitting humerus

    I wish someone/or some swedish nursing manual book had mentioned it, then I wouldn't have gotten so horrified plus known what was ok to do when it happened.
  11. IM inj hitting humerus

    I ment bone itself, I know the periosteum holds a lot though. I've read a lot of posts of pt not reacting at all with needle hitting the bone (hehe found the search function!) I'm not sure if the different bones periosteum vary with the amount of noc...
  12. IM inj hitting humerus

    Heebie jeebies good description. That's what I got, for sure. Doing it on such a small one, I can imagine the horror!
  13. IM inj hitting humerus

    I'm glad you think it's refreshing and not just shrug me off like dumb or something. I really really want to learn everything but I guess that's not really possible.. can only do so much theory. :-) Yes I'm sure it differs quite alot. My university i...
  14. Fired for refusing??

    I don't want to start a debate, I just noted that for me it seems a strange way to go about it. Cultural differences I suppose and that's ok. Workers are the ones that in my opinion need to be protected in law and not being basically forced (yes I kn...
  15. Fired for refusing??

    Seriously, look into it. I can help you out finding staffing organizations for example in Norway, there nurses fresh from school can get up towards 3500-4000 euros/month with expenses paid and with all the workers rights that I'm starting to apprecia...
  16. successful becoming a RN as a young single mom?

    My situation was slightly different from yours since I'm located in Sweden where childcare is free. But I went for nursing after having a baby at 19. First I did high school 3 years since I didn't get any grades before I had my kid. Then went for uni...
  17. IM inj hitting humerus

    A question - have any of you injected encepur (or FSME-immune) vs TBE in the gluteal muscle instead? I mean she is really tiny I'm scared I'll like fail again Instructions for it says deltoid but yeah. Scared I'll manage to put it sc too, not that t...
  18. Fired for refusing??

    Sounds like a rough place for workers Esme There's a huge demand for nurses over here. *hint hint*
  19. Fired for refusing??

    Just browsed through this thread. I guess most are american on the boards? Sounds so strange for me as a swede to read that you can get fired for not getting the flu shot. Over here the organization, if they fired someone based on that, would face ha...
  20. IM inj hitting humerus

    I totally agree, this is something I should have learned. I was quite displeased with my education overall and did voice it too, this didn't better my impression. Though my best friend who's at a imo better university hasn't been taught it either, ye...
  21. IM inj hitting humerus

    Northern European university. I mean logically of course I realize that it's possible just surprised that I've never heard anyone mention it. Maybe it's something you don't tell other nurses though? I ask a lot of questions and asked a whole lot abou...
  22. IM inj hitting humerus

    Thank you thank you Esme12. *breathes a bit* Yes, I should have pinched, I thought I'd manage without doing it and simply being a bit more careful with how far in I put the needle. Needle was maybe 1½ inch and I hit bone not even having half in. PT w...