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All Content by hybr1d

  1. Hello my follow nurses! I am wondering how you would handle this situation: Patient in its 20s. Has severe type 1 diabetes with resistance to sc insulin. Taket 250 E doses with not much effect. Has lost 2 pumps due to infection. Is now since 1 month ...
  2. Why are nurses so.....?

    I must be lucky because I haven't worked with a single nurse who fits into any of these categories! Most have been friendly and helpful. A bit different on the internet though but with almost a million members on this site it's bound to end up that w...
  3. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    Just an update. Nothing had happened since I was at work 5 days ago with regards to a psych-consult. Patient said she had confided in two other nurses but I saw no notes from doctors or them. Heard some banging from patients room and found her bangi...
  4. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    Thank you dishes (and thank you for the pm!), I needed that. It's sometimes difficult wanting to help but not being able to, or allowed to, make the decisions needed. When I'm back on thursday for my single night I hope something will have changed!
  5. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    I'm it at the night, no sup or anything. I have a ward by myself and there's no other nurse on the entire floor (used to be one on the other ward but they closed it due to lack of nurses). I know it's very differently organized in my little corner of...
  6. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    This so much, I have nothing to say about it when the on-call doctor won't do anything. I reported it (and I'm also obliged to) saying this worried me and that she was not in a good mental state. But I got nothing in return, now my back is "free" but...
  7. Clothes that fit the Job

    I wish I was allowed to use fun scrubs! We are provided with scrubs (dresses or tunics). That way in Sweden, we all look the same in the summer I spice it up with wearing a dress and rainbow knee socks!
  8. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    Yep! I'm totally on board with that. I get frustrated when I don't get that kind of response from the doctor on call and in the weekend and night it's what I have available to contact. The daytime doctors have to take charge of it but it seems they d...
  9. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    Thanks dishes! I'm not suspicious like the first response, wouldn't have crossed my mind to think this patient would be intentionally sabotaging her link to a somewhat normal like (which is obvious in conversations the patient misses very much and wa...
  10. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    Yes it works that way here too. Pt has not been a patient at that clinic but has at some time been a student there and thinks well of the place. I hope the doctors make stuff happen asap. I wish psychiatric issues were taken as seriously as physical ...
  11. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    I did contact the doctor on call at night but yeah didnt get much from it. So I properly informed my colleagues so they could work on it on the day. Not worried about my job, I live in Sweden and I think the laws are very different from other countri...
  12. Suicidal ideation in patient.

    I did alert the doctor on call already the first time she told about it plus spoke to my 5 colleagues for advice in the morning. The doctor didnt say much more than "if XX want no contact with psych then XX has to take responsibility and not self-har...
  13. Hi colleagues! I had a patient with a bloody cough a while back. She coughed me in the face. I asked about TBC-testing the patient, which hadnt been done, and they came back positive. I asked my boss about it and told her about my exposure but didnt...
  14. It varies from patient to patient. If the patient has all cognitive functions intact I try to reason with them and make a deal like alright we wont do it now but how about 5 o clock? It usually works. If they get violent or verbally abusive I dont bo...
  15. Tattoos in Nursing

    I got a few tattoos and piercings. Piercings in the face and ears. Bosses react more than patients. They cant fire me for it since the swedish guidelines state that there isnt a correlation between that and infections in patients.
  16. I'm writing from Sweden so it's most likely a bit different here. We clean the rooms, if time allows, but only beds and such, housekeeping does the floors and bathrooms.
  17. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    Hi! I work night time at a medical ward and lately have received a lot of intox patients. My colleague who tonight was working on the opposite ward (we are 1 nurse plus 1 tech per ward) received an alcoholic who'd been on a binge. I asked about delir...
  18. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    Lab work is standard at the ER. As well as ecg. So I'm certain they did it. As I said not heard of that alcohol protocol though and I'm certain the doctor did not give such instructors to the nurse. Yeah, acronyms can be a bit confusing for the swed...
  19. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    Would you mind spelling out for me the names and meanings of the different levels of care in english? I understand the day to day speak well but not so accustomed to the different health care related words and acronyms, would be much grateful for it!...
  20. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    Yep. It's heavy. Why we are so often upset when they send us patients who are basically in need of ICU-type care. I mean I can't possibly or safely deliver that kind of care. I mean besides all the bedpans and diapers I also need to squeeze in the i....
  21. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    Yeah. I'm sure it could've been. I'm certain they did check electrolytes (at the very least these) before sending pt to the ward. The resident who was on call has always to me seemed good at her job, if just a slight bit arrogant, but surely must've ...
  22. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    Thanks! Gonna save that one. Yeah, it's enough if one patient gets really ill at night and then I can't manage much else but that, I have 18 patients total to care for. Us nurses aren't really allowed to leave our wards at night even if to help eacho...
  23. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    Alright, back from a little nap :-) I don't think we have these protocols, not us nurses anyway. I've never heard of them. I have read the swedish guidelines regarding delirium tremens before since I'm a sponge regarding information but yeah, this is...
  24. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    I don't know. Didn't look in the journal since it wasn't my pt.
  25. Delirium tremens, level of care?

    What are those short for? For me mg = milligram and k=kalium (swedish potassium).