HermioneG BSN, RN

Emergency Nursing


All Content by HermioneG

  1. My Grandpa (who was the father figure in my life) was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic prostate cancer during my first quarter of nursing school. It was caught late, and the cancer had metastasized to his bones. The next year and a half was a whirl...
  2. HermioneG

    Using phones as a sitter-thoughts?

    I have no opinion on the phone/no phone debate, but I just wanted to offer some thoughts from my own experiences. I had a job for years that required me to sit for hours on end. Granted, it wasn't at night and I had lots of stimulation from other peo...
  3. HermioneG

    Lesson plan for CNA

    I'm sure a lot of us could help you, but I'm a firm believer that researching and finding these things out on your own can really help you in the long run. Also, "Please" and "Thank You" can really go a long way... Good luck!
  4. OP, I'm so sorry to hear, good luck with everything! I have no advice to give since I am totally new to this, but I wish you all the luck in the world!
  5. HermioneG

    CPR for the first time...

    I've never done it out of hospital, but I can remember the first time I did it in the hospital, I was doing compressions. My adrenaline was through the roof and I was going way too fast. Thankfully the resident hollered at me to slow down. We unfort...
  6. HermioneG

    Tips for being a preceptor?

    I think it depends on the type of student and how far along they are in the program, but there are definitely some universal great qualities. Personally, I think that the #1 thing that preceptors have done that helped me the most as a student was mak...
  7. HermioneG

    Full-time studying education plus nursing on top?

    I think it's doable, but I would think long and hard first. In my school, and I'm sure many others, the first quarter has one of the highest drop out rates. Nursing school is difficult, and it really is learning how to think like a nurse. This takes ...
  8. HermioneG

    ER GN Quitting Smoking - Any tips?

    In my nursing health promotion class they told us that a good way to overcome cravings is to do a "two minute" rule. So when you feel a craving coming, tell yourself to wait two minutes and change the environment and do something else. Then two minut...
  9. HermioneG

    Wrong is right CPR question

    Debate is argumentation, just in a formal setting. This is different from "argumentative" which is an attribute. Debate (noun): "a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are pu...
  10. HermioneG

    Wrong is right CPR question

    I agree completely! I personally love hearing different opinions and ideas, and I love it when mine are challenged. I co-teach (because sometimes my classes can be quite large) and it's fascinating to hear how other teachers rationalize things. I've ...
  11. HermioneG

    Wrong is right CPR question

    Edit: MunoRN Maybe it's just because I love teaching so much, but I really do love different opinions and perspectives. I appreciate your rationals behind your opinion. Thank you! So you would personally do the Heimlich initially on an unconscious ch...
  12. HermioneG

    Wrong is right CPR question

    If you are certified in BLS and PALS, and you were in this situation, what intervention would you do if not the AHA guidelines?
  13. Hey! No, I didn't report them. I did give them an icy look and said something along the lines of "Idk that doesn't seem very smart or honest" and "thats not a good idea." Looking back I'm not sure if that was the right call, but they ended up being d...
  14. HermioneG

    Wrong is right CPR question

    I agree, except we can't just do nothing. We still have to try and do what we can until more advanced medical resources are available, or someone who has advanced airway in their scope of practice comes to help. Also, the hope would be that chest co...
  15. I know of one person who was dismissed for academic performance issues. Not to be judgmental, but I was kind of relieved to see them go. My first memory of them was when we both came early to our first day of orientation and we were doing the usual m...
  16. HermioneG

    ADN or BSN

    I just finished my BSN, but my brother (who has a previous BS degree) is taking his NCLEX soon and will graduate with an ADN. What is cool with his situation is that he can get hired by a hospital that can do tuition reimbursement for his BSN. I know...
  17. HermioneG

    Unit Clerk Reading Allnurses.com ..

    Hahahaha I wish....!! More like my post history gives my school, cohort, and final practicum site (like most other units, there were only three of us that were placed there and many people know where other students were placed)... then there's only ...
  18. HermioneG

    Unit Clerk Reading Allnurses.com ..

    !!!!!!! I love cats and dogs and birds and all animals, sometimes more than people, too!!! :) :) Not to be a weirdo, but I love animal lovers and you really do sound wonderful No lie, in the future, I might do a "pssssst! are those blue eyes of your...
  19. HermioneG

    Unit Clerk Reading Allnurses.com ..

    I'm the first to admit that I'm a strange one, but I've caught myself frequently wondering who the nurse with the classic cat-loving-avatar is. I've even thought of several cheery blue eyed people I've known who could be you, simply because I see you...
  20. HermioneG

    My Clinical Instructor does not trust me

    I read this a few hours ago and I didn't even think to look at the date!!! I, also, am interested.
  21. HermioneG

    Unit Clerk Reading Allnurses.com ..

    Any reasonable person who has the slightest loma linda experience and looks at my history can deduce almost instantly who I am. It doesn't bother me though. I stand by what i say, anonymous or not. I treat what I say here the same as any other public...
  22. HermioneG

    Tips for a New and Young Charge Nurse

  23. HermioneG

    Academic Cheating and Future?

    I've heard of a few units (such as PICU) that were so competitive for new grads that they would request copies of their transcript with the application, but those have been very few and far in-between. I can't see how this will change your job prospe...
  24. HermioneG

    Wrong is right CPR question

    I teach CPR, and I've had many questions on this. This is how I rationalize it to my students (keep in mind, I am not an expert, but anything that can help people remember is game in my book!): If a child starts choking, then coughing, and then falls...
  25. HermioneG

    Am I too old to become an RN??

    You're definitely not too old! One of the best students in my BSN class was (I think?) upper 30's or low 40's. And she secured herself an externship and had a job even before graduation! You can do it!!! :)