HermioneG BSN, RN

Emergency Nursing


All Content by HermioneG

  1. HermioneG

    Clinical instructor feels I'm not competent?

    Sometimes our harshest critics can shine light on some uncomfortable truths. There's no help in being surrounded by a bunch of people who just tell you what you want to hear. The struggle is not letting it cut your confidence, but rather taking it in...
  2. HermioneG

    Clinical instructor feels I'm not competent?

    Hi studentnursemorgan, I'm really sorry that you're having this anxiety. I, myself, have ADD and struggled tremendously in the beginning. With that being said, repetition and practice should steady you. The problem here might be that you simply haven...
  3. I'm 28 years old and recently graduated from a BSN program. My program was very well structured. Passing was a 76%, and any time a student gets a C or C+ in a class they are required to take a student success/learning class the following quarter whe...
  4. Thank you so much, Pixie.RN! I wrote down the notes that you mentioned and will make sure to put them in my 6th edition TNCC for the time being until I take the class :) :) yay!!
  5. Thank you so much for all of your thoughtful advice and perspective! I definitely hadn't considered the possible sabotage that I could be doing to myself by trying to take in too much too soon! I decided to relax, and also do some intense cleaning t...
  6. It wasn't a science pre-req but I failed Spanish, was accepted into a nursing program with the understanding that I would have to repeat it, took it online right before graduation and I'm certain my professor passed me just because I worked extremely...
  7. HermioneG

    Passed NCLEX in 75 questions

    I only used UWorld and had a similar experience as you! It's definitely one of those things where I felt like it prepared me and then some. I can't recommend it highly enough!
  8. HermioneG

    Done something in Clinical you weren't supposed to?

    Im curious what this is exactly that you're not supposed to do but were allowed to do? haha
  9. HermioneG

    Desperate for help or a study group for the RN NCLEX

    Hello! I'm so sorry that you're struggling... The NCLEX is really hard, and I admire your persistence. You CAN do it! What study strategies have you used in the past? You mentioned UWorld and Kaplan, did you complete the question banks? What are you ...
  10. Hey! Thanks!! :) That's such a great question! I didn't study the binder before another 75 questions, but I would study parts of it every couple of days when I knew I had a weak spot. For instance, there were a few days where I kept scoring below the...
  11. HermioneG

    NCLEX & having a moment of self doubt

    Hey everyone, I apologize in advance for the long post, but I'm really struggling today and was hoping for some reassurance and guidance. Due to no fault but my own, I've been unable to take the NCLEX yet even though I finished my nursing courses in ...
  12. HermioneG

    NCLEX & having a moment of self doubt

  13. HermioneG

    NCLEX & having a moment of self doubt

    Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for all of your kind words I ended up going to the family reunion and enjoying every moment of it! I struggled and flip flopped back and forth one day deciding to go, the next day deciding not to go, and drove everyone nu...
  14. HermioneG

    Calling the CA BRN??

    I know this is resolved but I just wanted to throw out there how I managed to get ahold of the BRN. I started calling at 7:40 am, memorized the numbers that I needed to press to talk to the people that I wanted to talk to (I think I had to press 1 a...
  15. HermioneG

    NCLEX & having a moment of self doubt

    Thanks, Pixie.RN for moving it to the appropriate area! I appreciate your well wishes, thanks so much :)
  16. HermioneG

    NCLEX & having a moment of self doubt

    Thank you so much, VivaLasViejas for the kind comment! I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, I decided to take a little break from everything for a few days. It means a lot to me that you took the time to reply, and I'm being serious when I said it really...
  17. HermioneG

    Specialization: When to Decide?

    A lot of people don't know what kind of nurse they want to be when going in to nursing school, and most of us changed our minds once we got through the various clinical sites. As someone else mentioned above, the beauty of nursing is that you don't n...
  18. HermioneG

    uworld assessment

    I'm working on UWorld right now. Something that has helped me bump up my scores is going over the rationales with a fine tooth comb. I also have made packets on different systems/subject (ex cardiac, respiratory, GI, OB, peds, meds, diagnostic tests,...
  19. HermioneG

    Does anyone else ever envy their patients?

    I put my responses in the quote to make it easier for you to read.. thanks for your time. EDIT: totally random but after re-reading my post, I'm realizing that I need to seriously brush up on my grammar. I still struggle with its/it's, affect/effect,...
  20. HermioneG

    Does anyone else ever envy their patients?

    Fair enough, thanks for the reply :)
  21. HermioneG

    Does anyone else ever envy their patients?

    I've seen you post here and I've always liked you. From your posts it's clear that you're extremely smart and have a good head on your shoulders. With that being said, in reference to the bolded, I think that we should have the capacity to have both...
  22. HermioneG

    Using phones as a sitter-thoughts?

    I'm just going to throw this out there because I haven't seen it mentioned yet... would anyone be concerned about the camera on the phone/patient privacy? I know that in the perfect world every healthcare professional is professional and would never ...
  23. HermioneG

    Using phones as a sitter-thoughts?

    Ohhhhhh this post makes me blush In all honesty, after I posted it I was a little worried that I made myself look a weirdo hahaha :) Thank you
  24. HermioneG

    Does anyone else ever envy their patients?

    Granted, I haven't read the entire thread, but I want to take one moment to not defend the OP, but remind us to have empathy. The OP said that s/he is working two jobs and often times gets 5 hours of sleep a night. While I have never envied a patien...
  25. HermioneG

    Fainting as a pre-nursing student

    It's definitely something that with experience and exposure you can overcome. Also, I'm sure that your brother being the patient added a whole different level of emotion and stress for you. I'm a firm believer that in addition to what you're seeing a...