
MikeyJ RN

Peds, PICU, Home health, Dialysis

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All Content by MikeyJ

  1. Better pay if Bilingual?

    Tagalog is one of the main dialects that Filipino's speak. Yup they have it: http://www.rosettastone.com/personal/languages/tagalog
  2. Better pay if Bilingual?

    Once I become fluent in Spanish, I want to try a non-latin based language. I have been studying Spanish for sooooo long that I am honestly kind of sick of the language.. lol... but I will become fluent in it. I was thinking of trying to learn Tagolo...
  3. P.A. vs FNP

    I would probably pursue your P.A. if you are interested in Trauma or ER. However, PA school will require similar pre-req's as medical school, where FNP should require no additional pre-req's. Thus, I would take that into consideration.
  4. Better pay if Bilingual?

    There was a doctor on a Discovery Health show I had watched a few years back who was fluent in 10 languages (could have been more.. it has been a while) but he learned them all using Rosetta Stone.
  5. Better pay if Bilingual?

    Very impressive! Did your parents speak one of those languages in the home, or did you learn them as an adult?
  6. Better pay if Bilingual?

    I live in a part of the country where we have a very very large Spanish speaking population. However, I have never seen a nursing position posting that says "Bilingual Preferred." I have actually only encountered 2 nurses that speak fluent Spanish th...
  7. Starting out in nursing school

    Those people who try to memorize everything in nursing school typically do very very poorly. Nursing school (and most health profession degrees, actually) require an understanding of the body and the normaly physiology and disease processes. These t...
  8. How long should I study?

    I will graduate August 21st (I am incredibly excited about this!!), but would like some input as to how long I should study for the NCLEX. I was thinking of taking the exam late September and study 5 days a week (8 hour days) for that month break. I...
  9. How long should I study?

  10. How long should I study?

    They actually recommend to not study the day before the NCLEX. They day before the NCLEX, I plan on relaxing the entire day, perhaps going to dinner and seeing a movie -- anything but look at study material. When it comes to exams in school, I study...
  11. How long should I study?

    I guess I should have reworded my original post. When I say "study", I mean only doing questions and reading their rationales. And when I study, I usually sit down for 2 hours and then get up for an hour and do something else and then come back for ...
  12. How do you waste medications?

    Ah.. that makes sense to only waste syringes at the nurses stations.
  13. How do you waste medications?

    If it is a liquid narcotic, nurses at my hospital waste them in the sink. If they are not narcotics, just put them in the sharps container. Some nurses waste any liquid medication in the sink.
  14. DID anyone try LEARNINGEXT.COM

    My school requires we purchase it and complete it -- it is actually worth 20% of one of my course grades. I think the questions are decent (although some of the answers I think are wrong). However, there is no way I would read through some of those ...
  15. honestly!

    I have worked 2 jobs since nursing school began. Some weeks I only work 20, and other weeks I work 45 hours a week. It actually has not been that bad. It has been incredibly stressful, especially now that I am in my last semester (graduate in August)...
  16. Witnessed my first death

    That is very interesting -- never heard of that before. Adult deaths are not as bothersome to me as others. It is still tragic but I deal with death fairly well. However, when I witnessed my first pediatric death (7 year old girl brought in with sep...
  17. need help in psychiatric nursing book

    You are going to study an entire psych book to prepare for the NCLEX?? Bad idea in my opinion. I think buying an NCLEX review book and reviewing the section on psych nursing is sufficient.
  18. Witnessed an RN stealing medication

    Agree with the other posters -- be a whistleblower. I live in the city where there was recently many many clinics closed down due to doctors and nurses reusing syringes. Those nurses that knew this was going on and did not report it are just as guil...
  19. Resumes and titles/certifications/degrees

    I have always been told that the proper way to do it is to put the certifications/degrees in the order you received them, starting with the most recent. But only include those that apply. For ex: Jane Doe, APN-C, MSN
  20. Resumes and titles/certifications/degrees

    You aren't going to apply for nursing jobs? It should be Jane Doe, RN, BSN And on your resume, put your RN license under "Certifications"
  21. RN with LPN license

    If you are hired on as an LPN, I would be sure to self-advocate... because there may be the slight chance that the clinic hires you as an LPN, pays you LPN wages, and then asks you to do work that is only in the RN scope-of-practice. I've heard of n...
  22. Does GPA matter in terms of getting a job?

    I would hope to god that a nursing school would not pass a student who maintained a 2.0 GPA. There should definitely be a cut-off GPA when it comes down to health professionals. At my school you fail if you get less than a 75% in a class (that 75% m...
  23. *~*~Question About: PN/VN Boards~*~*

    I have no idea, but I would contact PearsonVue or look on their website.
  24. Our nursing class votes on someone who wants to speak at our ceremony. It is only going to be a 5 - 10 minute speech, and there is only one person who wants to do it... so it goes to him.
  25. HOPKINS: 20 minutes into the show

    The purpose of these reality hospital programs (Trauma ER, Hopkins, etc.) are not to expose different health care professions or to even expose different diseases. They are produced for one reason and one reason only: to make MONEY. Thus, the produc...