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All Content by jgrisard

  1. Riverside School of Health Careers

    Yay!!! Time to start stalking again :)
  2. Riverside School of Health Careers

    Has anyone applied for the RN program starting in September? I have finished the app, tested (in Arizona) and Completed the interview (by phone since I am in Arizona) just looking to see who else applied!
  3. Riverside application deadline May 30th

    Ahhhhh!!!! Of course I leave town on Saturday for a week! Good thing for my neighbor that is going to check my mail for me!!!
  4. Riverside School of Health Careers

    Just spoke with her. They haven't gone out yet but she said hopefully in the next two weeks
  5. Riverside School of Health Careers

    Any word for you? I am getting antsy! I wish they would send an email so I could stop stalking my mailman
  6. Riverside School of Health Careers

    I dont know any of that :-( hopefully we are both good!!! What kind of grades did you have for your pre-reqs? How did your interview go?
  7. Riverside School of Health Careers

    71.8 but maybe they extended cause they didn't get enough applicants. How did you do?
  8. Riverside School of Health Careers

    Yay! They extended the deadline to the end of June and said we should hear something by mid July... Time to stalk the mail!
  9. Riverside application deadline May 30th

    My process is done now just a waiting game! She said that notices should go out mid to late July since the deadline was extended! Good luck to you
  10. Riverside School of Health Careers RN program

    Hopefully I got in and find out soon!
  11. Riverside School of Health Careers RN program

    I didn't know it was extended. Maybe they didn't get a lot of applications or enough to fill a class.
  12. Riverside School of Health Careers RN program

    Okay awesome! Congrats! I applied for the RN program and she said I should know something hopefully soon! I'm getting anxious
  13. Riverside School of Health Careers RN program

    Same month? For the rn or Lpn program?
  14. Riverside School of Health Careers RN program

    I applied and had my interview last week!!! I'm just waiting now... How long did you all wait for acceptance (or even non acceptance) and how well did your interviews go?
  15. Riverside application deadline May 30th

    I applied and they have received my application. I have a few things that I still have to send them! Are you as nervous as I am?
  16. ATI TEAS promotional code?

    Not from the actual website BUT i got the book brand new for $27 on amazon and ordered a separate practice test book (with five practice tests) for 16 on amazon