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All Content by Solitaire.G

  1. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Congrats, Flames - I just finished too! Great to know I have a month off before starting at Gonzaga. I got accepted into their PMHNP as of last week, so I'm excited :) Also happy to have a month off from writing papers and studying.
  2. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I do wonder the same. Day after day I see people copy/pasting straight from sources, etc etc - then again, each DQ is worth like 5 freakin points, so the grand total is 50 points, or .5 of a percent! Why they aren't kicked out of the program for plag...
  3. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I figure some of you won't believe this, but in that class that I turned in two students for blatant plagiarism, I then had to turn in the professor as well - I was going to wait until I finished the program, but I couldn't let it go that long. Sent ...
  4. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Actually, that was a fun - and solo,thank goodness - PP presentation. I did mine on "Rainman" but on Tom Cruise's character, Raymond, and his Narcissistic Personality Disorder, his lack of empathy, inability to create emotional bonds with others or r...
  5. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Last day of Intro to Research. I am absolutely livid at the moment! I had noticed that week #5, under grading, didn't add up to 1000 points - had a whole 150 pts missing. So when people started asking questions about how to turn in their PICOT etc, I...
  6. People really need to stop coming into nursing

    Same here as well. I was working as an orderly, saw what the RNs were doing, and said, "I can do that too," and double my income (from $6 an hour to $12 - gee, thanks Florida RN pay!). Funny now, I make that much in ten minutes here in California, al...
  7. People really need to stop coming into nursing

    Yep, I've had several nurse managers who fit that description. Their ignorance of their incompetence is laughable, and dangerous. It can border on delusional.
  8. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Like asking an eagle if he cares what the pigs think . . . . If I make a mistake, which certainly I am quite capable of, I am happy to own it. tokmom: the professor has obviously talked to this particular student, as her answers have gone from copie...
  9. People really need to stop coming into nursing

    As an orderly who was paid $3-4 an hour the entire time I was in nursing school, I now consider that to be volunteer work Thankfully, the hospital had tuition assistance so at least most of my schooling was paid for.
  10. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I'm saying that I've caught people copying and pasting straight from an article, without quoting it, without citing it, as if they wrote it themselves - and citing a completely different article. It is outright plagiarism. Yes, I've gone through the ...
  11. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    In my first week of Intro to Research. Four more classes after that. One thing that is driving me 'round the bend is all the plagiarism that I see - every week, every class, since I started last year. I've had it. I'm reporting every single instance ...
  12. People really need to stop coming into nursing

    Glad I'm in Northern California. 99% of OP doesn't apply. Get your nursing unions, other states.
  13. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Coming up on the last week of Stats. Gotta say, based upon the forum posts, I'm glad there's no CLC for this. I do feel empathy for my cohorts that just aren't getting it, but surprisingly more people remain on the roster than I expected. Spiritualit...
  14. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    It's so easy to highlight passages nowadays, in Word, if highlighting stuff is really necessary. I have been printing out stuff that I'll want to actually study in the future, like the adult physical assessment articles or whatnot. Finishing Communit...
  15. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    This is the case for me here in NorCal. I've got 20 years as a psych RN - but many of the decent places to work around here are requiring BSNs now (Stanford, Kaiser, e.g.). I do start with Kaiser tomorrow, actually, at an outpatient chemical dependen...
  16. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I guess I'm one of those odd people that enjoys writing papers and doing research. I do get annoyed with many of these assignments, as they often seem boring and tedious, but I always find a way to make the work interesting. I've never spent more tha...
  17. What is your take home pay as Nurse Practitioner?

    Good news for me. I'm planning PMHNP after I get this BSN out of the way. I've got 20 years in now as a psych RN. Presently in California but have plans to relocate. I'll be hoping to start networking once I'm close to graduating :)
  18. What is your take home pay as Nurse Practitioner?

    I'm definitely gonna have to get out of Cali once I'm a FMHNP from the looks of it. I already make more as an ASN degree'd RN here in the East Bay area. I do have plans though!
  19. To Zenman - please reply!

    Zenman, yes I lived there as a kid for about three years - Oahu. Then back in 2012 I worked on Oahu briefly, at Kahi Mohala in Ewa Beach. Four months there. I lived up in Makakilo during that time.
  20. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I start that class the same date. Let's hope we get a great professor :)
  21. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I will, after four more posts
  22. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    "Jun 4 by jjPedsRN Me too! Me Too! If anyone knows which ones to stay away from ANY classes, please PM me. I know the "good" one for stats to take, but nothing else." Yeah, same here :) I'm about to finish up Family Centered blah bl...
  23. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Hello, can you pm me the name as well? :)
  24. Looking back, would you obtain NP credential??

    Ha ha, thanks BlueDevil. +1 for your reading comprehension :)
  25. Starting GCU RN-BSN

    Hi from Todd, I'm in my second course now at GCU :) NSG-429V. I started in the April 14th class. I'm enjoying it so far. Writing papers is not difficult for me, in fact I enjoy it once I get a thesis statement down. Anyway, glad to find another threa...