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About PeanutVCCSN

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  1. RN to BSN online

    Hello RNs, I was wondering if you guys could check out this school and tell me what you think. So far I really like it, but maybe you guys will see something I didn't. It's the cheapest I've found @...
  2. RN to BSN online

    Sorry if this was already discussed but.. I'm looking for a RN-BSN program that is strictly online. I don't want to do clinicals all over again, and working FT would make it near impossible. I've...
  3. So I graduated nursing school and passed the NCLEX, now I'm starting my first job tomorrow. I'm SO excited and I'm also SO scared. I'll be working on a med/surge, yes by choice, and I'm starting...
  4. Should I take a review class?

    I took the HESI test this week as my exit exam from nursing school. I got a 803 on it, which isn't great. They said if you make anything under an 850 you should take a review class. (Also, I didn't...