

Cath Lab, Case Management

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All Content by Winterwhite28

  1. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I had a not so fun teacher for Trends, but if you can avoid that and get in a good Ethics (2-part) CLC group (I know an oxymoron) it should be doable if you are not inundated with personal and professional responsibilities.
  2. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I had CATs in nearly every single class, including my very first one! Boo!
  3. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    The Elephant Man, I felt it gave me more room to think outside the box, and maybe one that others might not do as well. One girl in my class handed in a all white PPT with just words, not one graphic. It was a C PPT through and through...but I'm sure...
  4. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I'm not sure why, but my brain went straight to Narnia with this!
  5. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Hi Guys! So this moving bit is hard! Trying to work, pack...think I might take a paper to write over this! Ha! Still have 3 more weeks to get this all done. I got hired at the local hospital already (hooray). Start there on the 13th, so a week break ...
  6. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    For what it is worth Ro, I have, but only because they copied my work. She remained in the class and showed up later in Spirituality. When it came time to get my paper back from the fellow student. There was her name. It only caused me grief I believ...
  7. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Totally off topic. Got to see the house. Six bedrooms but two other rooms without proper exit route so cannot count as bedrooms. The house is ginormous! I will have my own scrapbook room, which will make me super happy!! And it's official my husband ...
  8. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Done. =)
  9. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I think you got the worst advisor ever Flames, sorry, but it sounds this way from what you've posted.
  10. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Save yourself the time, there will be no professors listed in this thread as AN does not allow specific names. You can PM individual members to ask their experience. With that being said, not every student will "grade" a instructor the same way. I pe...
  11. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I bailed on those and just found a company that fit the criteria and had the answers by web searches. When I found one I was familiar with I used it, a company I used to work for - when I was a baby nurse, Adventist Health West.
  12. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    Sent you my recommendations! Good Luck!
  13. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I thought that class was not what it was cracked up to be. I thought it was going to be on leadership, oh no it's all management, blech!
  14. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    Get signed up for a tutoring session, they are free. I had to completely re-write my very first paper. I know the student helping me was aghast, yes it was really and truly was that bad. Call your counselor, have him/her walk you through how to get s...
  15. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    Do I dare say four?
  16. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    Whoa Flames! No way could I do all of the requirements in a little over a week! I like to do the reading and research, it always took me way longer than that!
  17. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    You can only double up starting with class 5 (I believe). Looking back...if you were without children (and/or spouse), and all you did was dedicate all your free time to school. All your classes could be doubled. I think the two I would not double wo...
  18. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I was told that those starting a year ago were no longer eligible to get that discount. Once I took my long break I no longer had it, but the break was more valuable to me than those few dollars. HTH.
  19. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I took breaks, until I hit Spirit and then I was ready to be done, and kwmom kept urging me on with doubling/overlapping. I'm so thankful she did too because I am so enjoying late spring/summer, and getting ready for our move to the west. After years...
  20. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Come on...tell us what FOP'sS is...I can hardly wait.
  21. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I used my books on three different devices and loved it. I could highlight in different colors.
  22. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I got well enough to get over there and freeze my hiney off! 20 some odd degrees...winter camping for a patch honor for sons's club! I'm liable to surf the web and buy the sucker bootleg. I have one more freezing night to go. Will never do
  23. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I'm still numb when I sit down and there is no homework, feel lost, surf the net, waste two hours and think I need to get it together! Walking in sand over here and no beach in sight!
  24. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Im curious what did you turn an instructor in for? Congrats on being almost done!
  25. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    It's all good, I'm glad you did what is best for you and your fam bam Kyra. We'll get you through it when it comes time and if you need help. Stats is the one class they do rotate the assignments on frequently.