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All Content by lovelylioness23

  1. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    I honestly was not worried about who didn't come or anything else in that matter. I'm sure there is a possibility that other alternates could be called, but then again maybe not because they missed a lot of information. There was also a Muslim holida...
  2. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    Thanks! No Plant City begins on Aug 26th and everyone else the 21st
  3. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    You're welcome!
  4. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    Good Evening today was the second day of orientation! I must say very overwhelming. I have taken 3 pages front and back of notes. This is where you ask all questions. We met most of our NP1 teachers today. The Student Nurses Association came...
  5. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    Good Evening today was the second day of orientation! I must say very overwhelming. I have taken 3 pages front and back of notes. This is where you ask all questions. We met most of our NP1 teachers today. The Student Nurses Association came...
  6. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    Sure...I didn't forget. It was just very overwhelming today lol
  7. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    I didn't see you either. I wish we would've had more time to mingle with each other but hopefully this page will help
  8. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    Hey guys! I decided to create one! It's called Hillsborough Community College Fall 2014 Nursing Students. Please share with people in our program and we can help to build it together!
  9. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    Will do!
  10. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    Hey guys! I didn't get a chance to meet any of you today! I had a terrible headache. Hopefully tomorrow we can chat. I was just thinking about something too. I know that most people have a FB page so what if I created a closed FB page for our Fall 20...
  11. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    Hi guys! First day of orientation went very well. We received a folder with a packet full of papers to fill out and return back by the end of day. We also did our urine test and I didn't fill my cup up enough. So my suggestion is to not go to the ba...
  12. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    It went well. I had planned to message the forum later on today. I was getting rid of a terrible headache.
  13. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    You just have to be patient. I know you are anxious but think of all the applications they have to go through. It hasn't even been a month since the deadline yet. Also it takes 12 to 15 weeks for a response back from the program after June 1st deadli...
  14. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    Will do!
  15. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    Same came very fast!
  16. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    I don't think your summer classes would count. I think it they go by your overall at the time the application was received.
  17. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    Yes..I can't wait. I'm doing my summer courses now. I did my CPR last week so that's out the way!
  18. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    Hey Juleby! How is it going for you?
  19. June 2014 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    Boy it's been a rough day and now my mind is playing tricks on me!
  20. hillsborough community college SPRING 2015

    Hi guys..I spoke with an advisor asking her what the average GPA is for the Spring. She told me she didn't have that info yet. I also said will it be lower than Fall. She said not don't think that the GPA is supposed to be lower for t...
  21. HCC Fall 2014 Nursing Campus Assignments

    Yes...I got that done ASAP. I know I thought it was weird. I'll get better clarification at Orientation.
  22. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    That's what I was told from someone one in the program now...however I'm not sure if it's the same for weekends
  23. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    I didn't register I was just browsing. I did see that some of the spots were taken. Technically there should be a spot for each person, so I would just wait until our orientation. You have the letter that holds your seat.
  24. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    You're don't actually sign up for the class. You are only browsing them.
  25. Hillsborough Community College-Fall 2014

    Edwinagabin, You can see the classes and times when you go to register. I believe it is 5 to 8pm and clinicals are on Saturdays. Double check though. Act like you are registering...put in 1213c and all 5 classes will come up. Hope that helps!