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  1. SHARP New Grad RN 2017

    Hi iubanit! I was wondering if you had any advice as to what will be asked or how to prepare for an interview with Sharp Memorial's Adult Units? I have no idea what to expect, so any help would be much appreciated! Also, I hope you hear from them soo...
  2. Palomar New Grad Residency Spring 2017

    Hello, I received an email to interview with Palomar about ten minutes ago, so definitely check your inboxes! Good luck everyone!
  3. CHLA RN new grad

    Have any of you received a call after your second interview?
  4. CHLA RN new grad

    For those of you who had a second interview with the 4th floor, do you happen to know how many people were interviewed this round? I'm curious, but didn't ask about it during the interview. This is all so exciting and entirely nerve-racking at the sa...
  5. CHLA RN new grad

    Hi HippityHop, I was told 4th floor which includes all of the Heme/Onc-related Units. I also remember being told that pre-screening interview candidates would be called with a decision either way. I hope you heard back! Good luck!
  6. CHLA RN new grad

    Hi everyone, I received a call for a second interview on the 4th floor about 30-40 minutes ago; I hope you all received a call too! Good luck to everyone! :)
  7. CHLA RN new grad

    Hi, has anyone who interviewed on Friday, November 28th received a call regarding a second interview? I haven't heard anything yet, but I wanted to make sure that I wasn't the only one! Ahh, good luck to everyone! :)
  8. CHLA RN new grad

    Hello, I just received the application packet and information today a little after 5 pm--I hope this helps!
  9. Ah, thanks so much! I applied after you, so I guess there may still be a chance! Just to clarify, did you apply for the Medical Unit or something else? I noticed that you said one of the medical units. Regardless, good luck on your interview and keep...
  10. Hi pedsnurse45, congrats!! That is awesome news. Do you happen to remember when you initially submitted your application? Trying to see if I am still in the running or if I should prepare to apply again next cycle!
  11. Thanks for the response, Korosensei! I applied for the RN Residency and chose the Medical Unit, but I have yet to hear of anyone receiving an interview for this unit, so I am unsure of where I stand right now! I applied a little after you, so it give...
  12. Scripps San Diego New Grad Program Oct 16/Jan 17

    Thanks for the response and try typing in Scripps New Grads--this should work! Hope that helps. :)
  13. Scripps San Diego New Grad Program Oct 16/Jan 17

    Does that mean they already chose everyone for both October and January cohorts?
  14. Hi! Congrats on moving up in the application process. Do you remember when you initially submitted your application and was it for the residency or the fellowship?
  15. Did any of your submission statuses change at all or did it remain as "completed" once you were contacted for an interview?