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About Tired_of_NclexRN

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  1. Hi. I have a question about quick result

    None of the above happened. Still no results. I think It's time to make a phone call
  2. Hi. I have a question about quick result

    My quick results still says results not available. The PVT says Candidate has result on hold and another registration can't be made. Congrats SKfMf77 .. I pray mine is a pass too.
  3. Hi. I have a question about quick result

    This is what mine says on the quick result page: Your exam results are not available at this time. Results not available
  4. Hi. I have a question about quick result

    Oh my, So it's not just me. I wrote a post about this. Maybe PV is having problems then? I live in Texas and took my exam 12/1. Quick result was supposed to be out 12/3.. but it's 12/6 now and still result not available. I pray for the best for bot...
  5. 4 days after NCLEX-RN and Result's not available

    Thank you so much. I pray so too. I'll try to keep y'all updated. Still no results available
  6. 4 days after NCLEX-RN and Result's not available

    If I say your comment didn't scare me at first, I'd be lying. But then, I realized I had no cause to worry because no hanky panky happened during my testing. I sat there testing without problem till the blue screen of death came up right after 75 qu...
  7. 4 days after NCLEX-RN and Result's not available

    Hello all... As my name states.. I'm obviously tired. Lol. SO I took my Nclex RN again for the "Lord knows how many" time on Monday (December 1st). Started at 8am and ended at about 11am.... 75 questions. Well I waited the excruciating 48 hours (Li...
  8. NCLEX re take

    Speaking from experience, if you've paid right now, you will get an ATT in about 2 weeks. The ATT will be automatically set to 45 from your last exam. And you can use your ATT number to schedule whenever you want.. after you get the ATT. SO YES, If ...
  9. 2014 Pearson Vue Trick (PVT) Poll

    Got the credit card page several times and failed. Just checked today 4/18/14 for quick result. The trick seems accurate. The few who got that page and passed must have lied. No need to give oneself false hope. If you got the credit card page on pea...
  10. 6th time taking NCLEX RN, Does PVT still Work?

    Well everybody. Looks like the Pearson Vue Trick still works. I just paid the near $8 fee to see the dreaded word "fail". God's plan for me must certainly be bigger than I have for myself. Time to dust out that LVN license and work. I am not giving...
  11. You passed. From what everyone says, that's a passing message.
  12. Anxious? Excited? Nervous? Mixed emotions!!!

    Congrats on sitting through that exam. I pray for success for you. CONGRATULATIONS already!
  13. this "pvt" business

    If results aren't on hold and it's not CC page, I think that is a confirmed pass.
  14. 3 weeks

    Pray and try to tell yourself YOU CAN DO THIS AND YOU WILL DO IT. Do not use too many resources all at once. Focus on the ones you have and if you feel you need additional information, I guess you can get it from other sources. I'm praying for you ...
  15. tested today 04/17/14

    COngrats. Good pop up is usually a great sign. Rejoice!