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About PositivelyPink

PositivelyPink has 6 years experience.

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  1. Why???? Are?? They?? Failing???

    This. And watch out for the negative people, they will suck the life out of you in school! They will drag you down right along with them if you're not careful.
  2. I have read this sort of thread many times. I can honestly say that I haven't seen any evidence of any instructors wanting me or anyone in my class not to succeed. The support in my school is outstanding and I'm really, really enjoying myself. Just m...
  3. Engagement Ring help!

    For what it's worth, I wore my engagement ring for 6 years while in EMS. I've ripped a glove every two months or so...
  4. This thread makes me feel a whole lot better. I, too, was wondering why there is so much feedback regarding the difficulty of nursing school but little about the ease of it. I guess everyone is different, as is their perception of a challenge. :)