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All Content by lakmom12

  1. Are you trying to join enlisted or officer?
  2. Never Too Old for Nursing School

    Similar story. Spent 11 years in the Navy growing up and starting my family. I finally feel like I'm ready to start the path to my dream. Congrats to you and good luck!!
  3. What was I thinking?!?!

    I am actually taking the public speaking, fine art and history class online. I enjoy that format a lot and do really well in them. Thank you all for your encouraging words. I feel better knowing there have been plenty of other people in this situati...
  4. First Time CPR Certification

    OMG, seriously?!?!? Did you get a Master's in CPR?!?! Good on you!
  5. Done

    Congrats and good luck in NS! I'm in the same boat this semester with four prereqs to finish by a January start date. Hearing this has given me hope!
  6. First Time CPR Certification

    My class was also a 9-1 class and we covered everything sufficiently in my opinion. The instructor would talk, we would watch the video practice and then practice on the dummies ourselves. It was an awesome class that I recommend to everyone I talk ...
  7. What was I thinking?!?!

    How awful! Students do crazy things to make it through. I know I'm going to have to make sacrifices, but the reward will be what I've dreamed of for years.
  8. What was I thinking?!?!

    Navy. It's going to be a big adjustment, but I'm so excited about it.
  9. What was I thinking?!?!

    Not working, recently left the military after 11 years. I have three small kids, but an awesome hubby who is super supportive. Does anyone have a good scheduler they use?
  10. What was I thinking?!?!

    Sadly neither is an option, I have to have the courses to get in.
  11. Deciding what to do

    I'm rolling right into a BSN program through a local hospital. It will consist of only nursing classes that I couldn't do while active Navy. So 2.5 years with clinicals.
  12. Deciding what to do

    Navykids, that's what I've spent the last few years doing. Prereqs were the easy part and having them paid for made life way better. It does take a little longer going this route due to restrictions on when they can start classes after getting to a ...
  13. Deciding what to do

    Active duty Navy here. She can come in as a corpsman and work with nurses. However the odds on her getting her RN while in is slim unless she gets picked up for a commissioning program. The Navy is extremely competitive in all commissioning programs...
  14. CNA while in a BSN program

    I will be starting a CNA program in August that will last nine weeks. Shortly after I hope to find a job and be working. I recently found out that I was accepted into a BSN program that starts in January 2015 (yay!). My question is how do you guys m...
  15. CNA while in a BSN program

    I'm actually a mom of three so I have plenty of room mates. I really appreciate your comments, it helped ?. I know lots of people do it, I think I'm just terrified of the change
  16. Sentara BSN 2015 see if that helps
  17. Sentara BSN 2015

    Welcome to the party! Not an LPN, but getting ready to take the Care Partner course at Sentara in a few weeks. Looking forward to getting out of my current job in about three weeks!
  18. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    I was in a similar situation with three kids under the age of five. It's hard, but you can do it! Just make a little extra effort to hang out with them during the week after you get off. A few months is worth a lifetime and they will understand! ...
  19. Sociology

    Sociology was awful! CLEP it!
  20. A&P accelerated ?

    I took an accelerated course for A&P I and agree with PP. If you can dedicate your life to it then it maybe the class for you. If you can't don't waste the time and money. It's brutal, but doable. I learned a lot more in my 16 week A&P 2 cla...
  21. Sentara BSN 2015

    Spell out the whole thing and look under groups. It took me a hot minute to find it
  22. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    Davina we'll have to have a party for your birthday and surviving the first week of school! Lol
  23. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    It's so great hearing how many people will be staring programs soon!
  24. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    Congrats! Wish I started that early! I still have a few prereqs to finish and then I start in January!
  25. Any Sentara Care Partners here?

    How do you like it? Which shift do you work and at which hospital?