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About MZRED1

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  1. Classmates that leech

    Thank you so much. I feel a lot better. I was just starting to feel a little uncomfortable posting my ideas on the site. I really appreciate the appology and maybe I can learn how to put things so that people don't get the wrong idea about me. Tha...
  2. Classmates that leech

    I honestly feel like I should be able to post a simple problem on this website and be able to get people's opinions back without felling like I am being attacked. Honestly, it not about me feeling like I am high and mighty its about the fact that I ...
  3. Classmates that leech

    I never said that about the slacker's in class. That was someone elses post. There is nothing about me thats high and mighty so I think some of you have gotten a misunderstanding.
  4. Classmates that leech

    I appreciate someone understanding that I was not trying to put it that way, but I guess unless you go through it, you really don't understand!
  5. Classmates that leech

    Thank you, I didn't think that I tried to come off high and mighty either. But we are typing so maybe the sincerity was not in my language. I like to help people that help themselves and I expect the same to be given to me. If a person doesn't com...
  6. Classmates that leech

    Hello guys, I have a slight problem. I am a very outgoing student so I ask a lot of questions and my professors tend to like me a lot. So of course there are some students who notice and kind of cling to me for help. Now this is no problem to me b...