Accreditation is a sign of meeting certain educational standards. Sometimes a school may not be accredited when they are NEW -- a class must graduate before the school can apply for the accreditation...
I'd like to get some reactions to the new law coming down the pike. It has passed both PA Senate and House. Continuing Education requirement for re-licensure as a registered nurse. Have you been...
Sounds to me that you have an excellent opportunity to do a couple of things 1. Some research on tasers 2. Some educational outreach to the police community. Try to turn these events to the...
Remember, you are what you title implies. An assistant to the nurse. This means that the work you do assists nursing. If it is deemed that CNAs do not check blood sugars, then that is absolutely...
At least you recognize yourself as a hoop jumper. However, just remember 1/2 of that CRNA title includes what you are using as a stepping stone: RN It is my opinion that you are never anything less...
I hear your fear. To me this shows that before you are even thinking about becoming a nurse, you have a healthy fear of what impact we can have on the lives of people. Congraduations!! You are...
Wow -- I wish I could give you a definite answer. The true answer is -- "It depends". Can you work full time days and got to school at night and evenings? You will have to look hard for a school...
I have a 30 year career in nursing. I can count on one hand -- and remember distinctly, each medication error I ever made. What's the trick to avoiding them? REMEMBER THE BASIC STEPS Practice the 5...
Yes, These seeds, along with apple seeds and cherry pits can be used to make cyanide. Interestingly enough. Many health food stores cell them. They are touted as a cancer preventative. In fact,...
In reading your post, I think you voiced your own decision. You are going to school in the Fall to study nursing. You did not say which level of education, but it is an RN. You are bored at your...