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All Content by Melissa0427

  1. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Jeepchick... What letter does your last name start with? I think it might be alphabetically. My last name starts w an S
  2. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I can't believe they would send them out two separate days! That torture! Lol Whats one more day?
  3. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I didn't receive an email yet but my friend did. She didn't get in ;(
  4. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I hope so too! What's your name? I want to be able to know which one you are when we have discussions to post!
  5. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Frenchie...I just registered for English 2 too! I'm takingn the web class. Are you taking web or at Smyrna?
  6. Motlow Applicants 2014

    That's strange. I talked to my advisor today and he said the emails will go out this week or next.
  7. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Well I plan on taking those three courses next summer. I might even take speech this summer.
  8. Motlow Applicants 2014

    No I haven't had dosage yet. I'm taking A/P2 and english 2 this summer. If I get accepted into nursing I'll still have to take speech, micro, and music/art
  9. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I've been attending the Smyrna campus as well since fall of 2013. So I guess you've already taken all your enrichment classes? Did you take nursing dosage already?
  10. Motlow Applicants 2014

    hopeful2brn2016 Your score is better than mine! I have a 705. Does anyone know what date they will send emails out?
  11. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Jeepchick97.... Lmk if you decide to sell any of your books for nursing school. If I get accepted in, I would be interested
  12. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Thank you for all your insight and helpful tips, jeepchick97!
  13. Motlow Applicants 2014

    How do you know how many will be accepted this year? I have a good friend who also applied this year and her score is 675. I'm really hoping we both get it. This waiting is torture!
  14. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Wow! Good for you for not giving up. Maybe you can get some scholarships to help out. What was your results last year when you were accepted? 705 or higher?
  15. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Hey Frenchie, it looks like you have a 705 just like me. Hopefully we will both get in. Hate to hear that you were accepted last year and unable to attend! That stinks!
  16. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Thanks for the encouragement! We will find out soon!
  17. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I also applied for Molows nursing program but at the Smyrna location. I just took the Hesi and received a 81.2...not very good but it was the first time I had ever taken it. My GPA is 4.0. According to the calculations on motlows website, the GPA is ...