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All Content by Melissa0427

  1. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Can we dress casual? Do you know? Jeans or dressy?
  2. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Oh good! Congrats! I'll be at the Smyrna location as well. See you soon
  3. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Yes...that question was for you! So, you are taking that class online through motlow?
  4. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Are you taking Dosage online through Motlow? I didn't see any online classes offered for the summer
  5. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Kala...there is a Hope Scholarship for Non-Traditional students. Are you over 25?
  6. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Hey...have you applied to any scholarships in addition to the fasfa? Did you qualify for the hope scholarship too from the fasfa?
  7. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Oh man! I was really wanting to record the lectures as well. I am going to have to work part time and wanted to listen to it over and over while I work. I really hope they change their minds on that!
  8. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Thank for the info! I was really curious what a week of school would look like for us. That's helps a lot!
  9. Motlow Applicants 2014

    For sure!
  10. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I have a question for you guys who are already in the nursing program. Do you know what are schedule will look like for the fall? Will we have to drive to Tullahoma this coming year. I heard in the past, that you guys had to drive there 2xs a week. J...
  11. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I thought about that but didn't know if I would have financial aid for the summer. I guess I need to go meet with the financial aid dept. Are you planning on meeting with a nursing advisor soon? You and I both need micro.
  12. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Your doing great! I have a bit more to do! While I'm in nursing I'll still hAve to do micro, speech, music, and dosage. I just started school 8/13. I'm a little nervous about the extra classes I have to do!
  13. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Kala I am a single parent too! I understand!
  14. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Does everything we need come out of our pockets for the summer or does financial aid help with those costs? Like the drug screen, books, uniforms, Bp cuff, background check...?
  15. Motlow Applicants 2014

    What is your name? I want to look for you at orientation!
  16. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Thank you for that info! I was wondering if we should go ahead and register for the fall!
  17. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Hi Ali! I'm glad to know someone else going to the Smyrna campus!
  18. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Finally someone at the Smyrna campus with me!
  19. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Moore county!! Man I hope you get to switch. Where did you other guys get accepted? Just wondering if we are all at Smyrna
  20. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Yep I'll be in Smyrna! So glad it worked out for you FrenchieFrenchie
  21. Motlow Applicants 2014

    I got in too!! Woohoo!!
  22. Motlow Applicants 2014

    My friend with 675 didn't get in either. I only have a 705 and I'm nervous!
  23. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Really? That's so hard to believe! Are you sure that wasn't some other reason why she didn't get accepted?
  24. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Oh Frenchie! I hope it all works out!
  25. Motlow Applicants 2014

    Had anyone else heard anything? Frenchie?