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All Content by 3peas

  1. My least favorite subject

    I've worked in four districts and all have had standardized pay scales attached to years of service. This is government work essentially, not private sector. It's hard to adjust to it at first. You don't take the job for the money, but when you do...
  2. Not yet, but I am in the process of applying. Congrats!!!
  3. What do you sign?

    In Texas you need to sign First name Last name with RN (or whatever kind nurse you are) and it needs to be legible. During chart or state audits it's extremely important.
  4. Need help deciding between two offers

    No one can make the decision for you, but as a mom myself my family comes first. A job is a job. People place so much importance on your first job as a new grad:yuck: but it's a job! Your family is your family. I understand the hassle of working ...
  5. Increasing Press Gainey Scores

    Best book ever!!!!
  6. Fire fighter to ER nurse?

    That thought explains why most fire fighters are jerks that I deal with. Go get your BSN and work any floor, and then come back and post that. I can't speak for every nurse here, but I respect your first responder skills, but we have skills you hav...
  7. Wish I would have done it sooner.
  8. About five weeks away from graduation and terrified.

    Believe it or not it's good to be nervous; it shows you care. You will gain confidence with experience. Just put one foot in front of the other every day. You are not suppose to know it all and everyone knows it. Find the helpers, they are out th...
  9. Medications and renewals

    I call on on old asthma orders. I can't force a parent to bring in an inhaler, but I document I called and if the child has an issue I will demand the parent bring it or the child can't return to school without it. I have my principal's backing on ...
  10. Do u feel the HESI is overrated?

    Not overrated. They are hard for a reason-they prepare you for NCLEX. It's hard because there isn't lecture notes or reading to prepare you for it. You have to learn how to use critical thinking combined with prioritization to answer. If you truly...
  11. New nervous nurse!

    Yes it's normal to feel nervous. I have known many shy/quiet nurses who excel at nursing. Apply for the job you want. You worked hard for this now go get what you want.
  12. Work for the State?

    I have never worked for the state, but I have sat in front of nurse surveyors from the state:nailbiting: . Of course everyone dreads you, but you can make a huge difference for patients.
  13. Financing your doctoral education

    I'm looking at BSN to PhD options at the moment. Do you plan on teaching at a university post-PhD? There is a federal loan forgiveness program for those who commit to staying at a university as nursing faculty.
  14. Being called a baby nurse

    First, you are not a baby nurse. I was trained by some wonderful LVN's I do not overlook LVN's ever. I'm sure there are some RN's who do overlook it, but that's their ignorance. I am a proponent for streamlining nursing education because there are...

    I did pass and hated the whole thing. I hated Hurst as well. Didn't work for me. Here is my advice: be intentional. Do you need content? Truly? If not get off of Hurst. I feel practicing questions helps, you get content in the questions and w...
  16. Petechiae

    It's not a normal finding. But I wouldn't worry about this too much. Don't get stuck in the trees. You'll never master all concepts.
  17. New Grad, Job Options

    There will naysayers who say a new grad should not be a school nurse and I understand why they say it-you work autonomously and you have to have killer assessment skills and confidence. I excelled as a new grad school nurse, but I had good support a...
  18. Severe NCLEX Anxiety! Please help!

    Deep breaths. I don't care what people say-you will never think you are ready for NCLEX. Think is the operative word, but you are ready. Don't listen to the people who say they they didn't stress and it was a breeze for them-lies! At this point i...
  19. What is your dream job?

    I think you have the right idea
  20. What is your dream job?

    I think you have the right idea
  21. First job offer now what?

    I would talk to your manager and explain that you really want to stay with them, but you have a job offer now and need to give them an answer. I would not decline a job offer based on another persons view of how they treat employees. Good luck.
  22. Help, Didn't pass my nursing class

    In nursing you have to know the material well and be able to apply it. Work smarter not harder. If you read the material what do you do with it? Do you discuss it? Make study guides? Write it down? I read/highlighted then I would make a study g...
  23. It should be allowed just put on q5 min check or have a sitter You can't discriminate or make her uncover around other males. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  24. Yes. Pick the BSN program(s) you're interested in and make sure your prereq's line up. There is not a big difference in what schools require, 1 or 2 classes mainly. Just have the end goal in mind and you will get there. Working full time during n...
  25. I JUST CAN'T

    No, just no. I'm pretty tough with my staff when they try to act like this. I'm very kind when they are sick, but when they try to pull their alpha crap-NO! Prior to becoming a nurse I was a teacher, so I am used to the creature called the alpha t...