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All Content by nayselode

  1. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I got a 67.3 composite score. I think its time to consider other career options.
  2. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston requires the TEAS V test.
  3. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    UTMB asks for the TEAS. Here is an excerpt from the UTMB website. Please check your application status on Nursing CAS to determine when it has been verified. It takes approximately four weeks from the date of application for UTMB to receive your appl...
  4. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I love your TEAS Score. Weekday did you do as fat as studying for it? I def. Need to improve my score.
  5. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    How are your other stats?
  6. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I did modify it. I had included a personal statement that indicted the things they wanted included in it, and then I included a detailed personal statement. This time I'm just going to go with the regular personal statement. I made a few adjustments ...
  7. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I have scheduled to take the TEAS on the 19th (fingers crossed).
  8. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I hope I make an 80%+. That's my goal. I haven't taken it yet. I plan to take it before the deadline though. Just trying to fin an open slot.
  9. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Oh and this time around my transcript will actually indicate that I am a member of PTK. And the completion of biology, chemistry, and Texas government will be on my transcript. I plan on taking the TEAS before the deadline. That's pretty much the onl...
  10. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Thanks. I'm pretty sure my TEAS score wasn't competitive enough it was in the high 60% I don't remember exactly what it was. But I hadn't taken chemistry or basic biology at the time so that added to my low score. My actual grades consist of A's and ...
  11. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Hi guys. I applied for fall 2014 and didn't get it. I am going for round two.
  12. UTMB FALL 2014

    My TEAS score was low 70s I'm so embarrassed I dont want to say. Let's just say it could have been better. My GPA 3.6 mist of my grades consist of A's and B's one course that I retook and no drops. I felt as though my personal statement was great. I ...
  13. UTMB FALL 2014

    My TEAS score was low 70s I'm so embarrassed I dont want to say. Let's just say it could have been better. My GPA 3.6 mist of my grades consist of A's and B's one course that I retook and no drops. I felt as though my personal statement was great. I ...
  14. UTMB FALL 2014

    We should keep in touch. Are you retaking the TEAS?
  15. UTMB FALL 2014

    I have still not heard anything new from UTMB I am losing hope and preparing for the worst. I need to start studying for the TEAS again in hopes to improve my score significantly for the spring 2015 semester! I'm so scared.
  16. UTMB FALL 2014

    I check my satus everyday. Agh its so scary. I am so worried...what if my email isn't working right? Or what if the email got lost in cyberspace and I missed an interview lol. I'm scared lol.
  17. UTMB FALL 2014

    Isle of the cove? I can't find the website for them. Does anyone have the address?
  18. UTMB FALL 2014

    I still have not heard from UTMB and I am still with the green circle. I had a dream I was NOT accepted. I think its safe to say I am nervous And maybe a little traumatized.
  19. UTMB FALL 2014

    I got my mystar info 1/29 and I haven't heard anything yet.
  20. UTMB FALL 2014

    74.6 on my TEAS and a 3.6 GPA for science.
  21. UTMB FALL 2014

    This makes me feel a little better. I'm so TEAS score is not the best. But I have a 3.6 GPA. CNA experience plus volunteer teacher for 4 and 5 year olds at my church. I have an 8 yo daughter also... So there is that also. I am so happy f...
  22. UTMB FALL 2014

    Congrats!! :) you submitted all your ncas stuff in December right?
  23. UTMB FALL 2014

    I'm so new at this posting comments thing. Please excuse posts that seem out of place :)
  24. UTMB FALL 2014

    Congrats dvanek
  25. UTMB FALL 2014

    Is it normal for it to be taking so long. I keep thinking there is something wrong with my Email lol. But thank you.