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All Content by Mandaa0x

  1. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    Hey guys is there a policy for nails? For example no acrylic etc.
  2. August 2014 for Broward College

    The drug screening costs $29 you pay it through the mybc website and they place the fee on it after the orientation and you must pay it before you register for classes. Does not have to be done before registration. They will provide you with the form...
  3. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    I also sent you a message
  4. August 2014 for Broward College

    This is how the sequence of the classes are. They tell you what classes to sign up. There's no making your own schedule at your own pace . You just pick from the list they provide you with. That email will go out after the orientation meeting. The ...
  5. August 2014 for Broward College

    We must of been in the same HCP class hahaha!! You hit the nail on the head with everything you said. And I don't mean to offend anyone. It almost seems like they're doing it for the money and not for the passion and this world has enough of those. N...
  6. August 2014 for Broward College

    Yeah I totally agree I had to do it too. Make sure my car is paid off. New tires oil changes and all lol. It just sucks when they accept everyone and you worked so hard. I overheard people boasting about getting a 76 on a hesi and a GPA of 2.5. They ...
  7. August 2014 for Broward College

    They really recommend you not miss any days because of how much information there is but I would think the attendance policy is the same as other classes . Just absolute NO tolerance for being late. I can't comment too much about the point system. I ...
  8. August 2014 for Broward College

    Yeah a lot of people deferred because they made it very clear that you cannot miss any classes. I for example have a wedding to go to out of state and would miss a class and didn't wanna have the odds against me when it's already a shorter semester. ...
  9. August 2014 for Broward College

    I deferred my seat and we are guaranteed a spot. we don't have to go through the whole acceptance process again. My status on mybc says "decision deferred" and we are now waiting for the orientation for august. I believe there was a certain amount of...
  10. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    I was addicted to this thread and now that I deferred my seat to august, it's repeating the same process without the anticipation of getting in and quite boring now lol. Hope everyone is doing well.
  11. August 2014 for Broward College

    We found out about a month before it started. They waited until the last minute. Was horrible for people that have to put a notice in at work or sign up for back up classes just in case.
  12. August 2014 for Broward College

    I was already replying before I saw you mentioned me but my GPA is the same and my hesi is 91% and I was on the high end of the scale to be honest.
  13. August 2014 for Broward College

    Hi I'm already accepted for May just deferred my seat for august. You're more than fine. They pretty much accepted everyone who applied. Literally lol
  14. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    It's the same material just 6 week mini semester instead of 8 like the other semesters
  15. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    At the orientation they did say there is a little break. Not sure when it is though. In August they do accept more people but I'm pretty sure that they would need more classes also to accommodate more people. So you may have the same chances going fo...
  16. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    Exactly wait for them to announce the deadlines at the first orientation meeting
  17. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    Because you already have been accepted under the May terms. The physicals and everything you have done will be turned in after the first program orientation. You do not need to do them again as well.
  18. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    If you have been accepted you do not need to go through everything again. They hold you a seat for august. Even if the prereqs change or what not. I'm planning on north campus. Central as plan B.
  19. August 2014 for Broward College

    That's right ! Gotta do what you gotta do! It will be fine. I'm someone that always has to be doing something or I get bored. So when it slows down in the program I plan on finishing up my prereqs for the bsn. Theres someone in one of my current clas...
  20. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    Same here Adriana. atleast well be together and Val can send us all her notes and old books lol!
  21. August 2014 for Broward College

    I highly recommend you take micro during the summer if you're applying For august. as if the program is not enough work you have to take it before you can start your med/surg class and you wouldn't want to take it on while you have your regular class...
  22. August 2014 for Broward College

    Hi everyone! Wanted to get myself involved on this topic since I just deferred my seat from May to August. If anyone needs anything let me know! & good luck on everything !
  23. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    That's what I was thinking as well. The class size shouldn't change too much. I guess I'm deferring as well... ?
  24. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    She just replied to me. She said that you are guaranteed a seat in august but not on a specific campus and about 250-300 will also be accepted. About double of summer. Idk if that really makes a difference on the student tho. What do you guys think?
  25. Broward College Nursing May 2014

    I just sent Admissions an email about the same thing. Waiting to find out the last minute that we were accepted threw off my whole life completely.