OB, Gen. Hosp. Nursing, Staff Education

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OBNURSE81 has 27 years experience and specializes in OB, Gen. Hosp. Nursing, Staff Education.

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  1. HELP! I got dismissed from my nursing school

    Sounds like you got a raw deal. It is never a good idea to reveal to your patients that you were up all night, no matter what the reason, but to dismiss you from the program without any warning seems harsh.
  2. Well add me to the list. First time was many many years ago, Worked ICU with heavy lifting loads went into pre term labor at 34 weeks. Lasted to 40 weeks and had a 9.6 lb baby. I had to take a leave of absence, was on bedrest on and off for weeks. I ...
  3. Nurse Massage Therapy

    Thanks for the reply! I will be "in touch". How nice it is to have somewhere to get feedback for this type of cutting edge technology! Too bad the medical professionals out there are just now realizing how important touch therapy is. (Somthing by...
  4. Nurse Massage Therapy

  5. Nurse Massage Therapy

    Hi, I am also a massage therapist as well as a "real nurse." Looks like this forum has been pretty quiet. I know there are large numbers of us that are re-focusing from just nursing to massage therapy and nursing. It would be nice to hook up with ...