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About elisha11

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  1. ---------------- Yes, there is a new law with HAAD. If you are holding a USRN, you are exempted for HAAD exam. Your next step will be DATAFLOW and licensing. For Dataflow, there is a company who is processing DATAFLOW i saw in facebook.. the name is ...
  2. Filipino Graduate Applying for RN license in Texas

    ---------------- Correct! You are right about that! You shouldn't apply to a state where many nurses are applying because of blogss etc.. try to apply to the state where you like it, maybe your family is there, employer or high salary etc.. dont foll...
  3. Filipino Graduate Applying for RN license in Texas

    Im applicant with NEAC and i didnt have a problem with my finger print card. They just gave me the finger print card and i went to NBI for finger print and give it to them.. i really dont know what they did but they are really helpful with the proces...
  4. Filipino Graduate Applying for RN license in Texas

    Im also applicant with NEAC with Texas and i do not hold a local license. Local license is not needed if you have graduated within 4 years from graduation date. You need to specifically ask NEAC