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All Content by heb06004

  1. For UConn it starts in January. Spring semester you have one day of class, two clinical days, one half day of lab. Summer semester you have one day of class, two days of clinical, and 1 half day plus 1 full day of lab total. Fall will probably be lik...
  2. I commend you for attempting to take two very quick (and intensive labs) summer courses! I took a 10 week A&PI class last summer (never took an anatomy class before that) and I felt like all I did was eat, sleep, study, go to class, and repeat. W...
  3. a&p ii winter session?

    Just curious when you heard this - I had a few friends that tried to do this and were told that QVCC would not allow taking them at the same time. That was last summer/fall time that I heard this, but maybe your news is more recent?
  4. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I don't know if there's a right or wrong answer to this. If you aren't able to become a CNA (which isn't applicable to a lot of pre-CEIN since so many work full time before the program) then volunteering can't hurt. I know one person that volunteered...
  5. UCONN CEIN 2016

    One of my classmates was a full time PCA/CNA before the program and works per diem now. She told us that if she wanted her floor would be more than willing to hire her as a nurse once she finishes school. Connections are a huge help to getting hired....
  6. I agree with this poster. We cannot offer insight as to what you can handle, only what we've been able to handle. However, you are not us. See if you can connect with students at your school to inquire about these classes, the teachers, and the assig...
  7. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I'm glad you got in contingent on those classes having good grades! That is definitely new, but great for applicants this year!! :) I wish they did that last year - I'd be traveling ten minutes to Storrs instead of an hour and ten minutes to Avery Po...
  8. UCONN CEIN 2016

    As a current CEIN student with zero previous medical experience I find this comment extremely rude and unnecessary. I'm sorry you didn't get into the program, but to presume those of us without medical experience will be a disservice to the program a...
  9. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I find the one class a day to not be so bad. Spring semester we had fundamentals from 8:30-2:30 and theories from 3-6 (although we rarely stayed past 5). Personally, there were some days I wondered why they didn't do two class days, but most days I e...
  10. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I sent you one - go to your messages. :)
  11. saunders comprehensive review for the nclex rn cheap

    Thank you SO MUCH for the tip that the price went down! Mine arrived in the mail today, so I was curious to check Amazon and see the current price.... $47!!!
  12. saunders comprehensive review for the nclex rn cheap

    Do you know how much it tends to run for costs in comparison to what it is now? Just curious. :)
  13. UCONN CEIN 2016

    sbran0017 - I was told I had to apply in January if I wanted Storrs, and that it didn't matter if I was still taking classes - they would still look at my application. I applied in January and heard in September after the August review. I offered to ...
  14. UCONN CEIN 2016

    The next date they would review is June, and they don't do rolling admission so you would would get put in the next pile. And not to be a debby downer but PLEASE don't be surprised if they tell you in June/July you have to be in the August round beca...
  15. If you wear Danskos.... How often do you replace shoes?

    I bought mine for nursing school (started in January), so I wear them roughly three days a week. Right from the start they were super comfortable for my feet! The only problem I've had with them is that it took about two months before I didn't feel l...
  16. UCONN CEIN 2016

    If you're still taking classes that means you have been bumped back to the June or August round depending on when you'll be done with your prereqs. Been there, done that - applied last January and had to wait until September to hear. :/
  17. UCONN CEIN 2016

    Honestly, I have no idea how they evaluate who to admit or how to compare yourself to other applicants. I think they just determine who they think will be the most successful in the program. I've heard that good recommendations help! I, personally, h...
  18. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I took genetics online through Manchester Community College, and it was entirely online. I did have a group project and paper, but we had an opportunity to tell the teacher who did what part of the assignment in order to make sure it was fair and eve...
  19. UCONN CEIN 2016

    So I completely agree with EVERYTHING Watercolor18 said! I couldn't have said it better myself. I have also noticed that the difference between what each campus is told has been quite frustrating. My clinical instructor is on the committee for pickin...
  20. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I'd say on average no later than 2-3 weeks after the review date.
  21. UCONN CEIN 2016

    Best of luck! I'm currently on week 6 of the program at Avery Point. :)
  22. Taking A&P 1 and 2 in the summer?!

    I mean it's possible, but don't expect to think or breathe anything other than A&P for 10 weeks! My summer A&P1 was 10 weeks and for having never taken A&P before it was intense (and I wasn't working either), but how you do with a 5 week ...
  23. Financing your ABSN

    Personally, I'm financing my ABSN through unsubsidized government loans and private loans. I'm also only working 10 hours a week, so my loans are my main source of income this year. I know others that work to support their ABSN or waited until they h...
  24. Can you use ATI program on MAC computer?

    Our professors told us that we had to use Firefox for the ATI site to work. I have a Mac, and Firefox worked perfectly fine for me for the site.
  25. Expert advice on passing your 1st semester

    Great advice! Thanks! I'm starting my ABSN in just over two weeks and I'll definitely be putting this list to good use! :)