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All Content by heb06004

  1. Student Loan Debt

    Private loans.
  2. New clinical instructor ideas

    I just graduated from an ABSN program where we did not go the day before clinical and yet were expected to pass 8/9am meds on time. We didn't pick our own patients - our instructors posted a list of our assignments or told us who our patients were be...
  3. Waiting on an Authorization to test

    All my classmates got their ATT 3 weeks before I did. Turned out I needed the school to send more paperwork and I had to call and bug the licensing people a few times before anybody would actually put my paperwork in the database. By the time I got m...
  4. Career choice after 1.5 yrs of MS

    I think there was no need to be rude to the PP. I don't understand your post either. Are you asking about career choices as your title states or are you asking not why people don't respond to posts as your post states? It isn't clear at all what you'...
  5. Working Woman Who Wants To Be A Nurse

    Oh and I forgot to add - although my program was a "day" program, we only had class one day a week. Lab was also during the day, but only through first semester. For clinicals there was almost always an evening option or two for each area. I'm sure s...
  6. Working Woman Who Wants To Be A Nurse

    Having just been through an accelerated program, I can say that it is possible to work if all your ducks are in a row (even when schools tell you that you can't work). I worked part time (as did many of my classmates), but I had a classmate that some...
  7. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I think you forgot that you asked this question in this exact thread a few months ago haha. I know at least one of my classmates works full time, but that's not to say that they're thriving on this type of schedule. I can imagine it's extremely stres...
  8. If you wear Danskos.... How often do you replace shoes?

    Mine are like that. ? I was told they'd stretch out and to give it time. Here I am 9 months later and while they're better they're still not 100% comfortable on the top of my foot. The bottom provides so much support that I can't bear to not wear the...
  9. UCONN CEIN 2016

    RNlady - a lot of your questions about schedules and work have been asked/answered in this thread already, so I'd recommend taking a peek back. And intensity of the program is definitely subjective, but my blood pressure would confirm that my body th...
  10. UCONN CEIN 2016

    The CEIN program IS an accelerated program. Start the first week of January and end the second week of December that same year.
  11. Southern and Quinnipiac Accelerated Nursing program's

    Due to already having a degree you won't be offered any financial aid other than government loans, and even then it's not enough to directly cover all the costs. The rest is either payed out of pocket or by private loans. I've never personally done t...
  12. UCONN CEIN 2016

    A bunch of us work! I average between 8 and 14 hours a week and it's definitely manageable if you are realistic about your time during the week. I also manage to take off every Saturday as my "no work/no homework" day. :) I certainly wouldn't recomme...
  13. UCONN CEIN 2016

    Yes! One of my classmates got accepted like a week before the program started because one of our former classmates moved to another campus once somebody dropped out. It definitely is possible. Also, I was accepted to my 4th choice and then a week lat...
  14. BA in unrelated field first a bad idea?

    Correct, once you have a BA/BS degree all grants go out the window. You can still get government loans, but there's a cap for undergrad government loans (I want to say $60K?). So if you've already maxed out your cap from your first degree and haven't...
  15. BA in unrelated field first a bad idea?

    Either do a minor or just make your general education classes count and pick ones you're really interested in. I'm in an ABSN program currently and I think I would suggest doing it first time around if you know it's what you really want to do.
  16. I had a clinical instructor this summer who suggested we all look for LTC nurse supervisor jobs once we graduate. I thought this was the strangest thing since why would a new grad with no experience have any right to be supervising nurses and aides w...
  17. Definitely try to have set times where your family knows you will put down the books and spend time with them, same goes for hubby. I'm in an ABSN program currently (one more semester to go!) and Saturdays are the day for family and my boyfriend with...
  18. ATI Exams

    How is ATI factored into your program as far as grades go? Is it a requirement that you pass with x% to continue on? I'm just wondering because in my program ATI is worth 10% of our class grade but the points we get is more based on completion/final ...
  19. UCONN CEIN 2016

    Breaks are technically free from class and clinical. There's always reading assigned for the first day of class for any semester (including basically a whole textbook to read by day 1 of the program), but whether you actually read it over break is up...
  20. From what I hear, jobs are already hard enough to come by in eastern CT (especially for new grads). I definitely don't think there needs to be another BSN program to flood the application pools more. And I think I heard on the news the other day that...
  21. UCONN CEIN 2016

    We definitely have a few that commute from up that way! As for clinicals, the options may be different next year, but (ones that would be close for you) for psych we had clinicals in Manchester and Hartford. For peds we had Hartford and New Britain. ...
  22. UCONN CEIN 2016

    More details I believe are earlier in this thread, but one day of class (that depending on the campus may change in the summer), two days clinical, and one day lab depending on the semester. All the campuses are pretty much set the same. But not all ...
  23. UCONN CEIN 2016

    First of all, congrats! Second of all, do you currently live in CT? We have quite a few people (myself included) that commute over an hour to the AP campus instead of moving. Sometimes you'll find that clinical sites may possibly be closer if you liv...
  24. I'm currently in the program!
  25. PRN- Should I feel bad?

    Do NOT feel bad! If you wanted regular shifts you would be part/full time. That's the beauty of PRN, it's on your schedule, not theirs! I actually tried to go back to an old job that I saw was hiring for PRN (I'm currently in an accelerated BSN), and...