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All Content by heb06004

  1. UCONN CEIN 2016

    I have not taken it as I lived on the opposite side of the state during CEIN and prereqs, but call the school and talk to them asap. If they can approve it that's great, but don't waste time and money on a course that won't help you get into the prog...
  2. Apple Watch - Why I Love It!

    The utility face.
  3. Apple Watch - Why I Love It!

    Oh and I have the sport style band. (Not sure if that's what it's called.) Super easy to keep clean!
  4. Apple Watch - Why I Love It!

    Smaller watch face with the S/M band. I tried the larger one on at the store and it just felt too large for my wrist. My boyfriend has the larger sized watch face and loves it.
  5. Apple Watch - Why I Love It!

    I got my Apple Watch in August while I was still a student. I started as a LDRP nurse 2 months ago. My watch is doing just fine. No damage (knocks on wood) so far! And I've ding'd it up against a few hard surfaces without any scratches. I love it, an...
  6. Yep. I have no friends in school.

    Nothing is wrong with you! This sounds like my ABSN program - no matter what I did there were cliques and I just didn't seem to fit in. Sometimes in life this will happen, whether it's nursing school or not. Just remember that you're in nursing scho...
  7. ^ THIS. One classmate of mine flipped through and was highlighting her textbook all during lecture just a few seats away from me. It was incredibly distracting. Textbooks are to supplement lecture, not to be read during lecture. Not to mention that ...
  8. Giving notice to your employer

    Definitely wait until you are accepted and have all your ducks in a row! Last thing you need is to have your plans fall through and be out of a job because you already have a replacement! I got a new job after applying to nursing school and didn't gi...
  9. New Grad Friendly RN Positions?

    Have you looked into residency programs? These are specifically for new grad nurses. Being from CT I know they have plenty, and so does MA from the postings I saw when I was job searching. Now would probably be the time to apply for July/September re...
  10. Job After Graduation

    Are you moving 4 months from now or 4 months after graduation? 4 months from now brings you to the end of July. Depending on your state, you may not be taking the NCLEX until June or July anyway. If the case is 4 months from now, just job search whe...
  11. I took out private loans for each semester on top of the federal loans (federal didn't even pay my full tuition). I definitely wouldn't have survived without them. As it is, I'm nearly broke and I don't start work for another three weeks (three and a...
  12. I agree! I know I couldn't have survived nursing school doing that. I remember hearing that she kept a pillow in her car and was constantly found napping before class. I'm surprised she want napping IN class!
  13. I worked as a student secretary at my school. Hours were flexible, but only between 8a-5p M-F. My second job was to transport and supervise DCF (some places I hear call it DCFS I believe) visitations between children removed from care and their paren...
  14. Would it be possible to put off starting the ABSN for a year or two and saving up during this time? Financial aid only cover so much, and private loans are definitely not a preferable option. [emoji53] I entered my ABSN program a year earlier than in...
  15. ICU vs. ED - New grad choice struggles

    While this is definitely true in some areas, the OP may live in an area where they do have options. I just graduated from an ABSN and where I live many of my classmates (including myself) were able to get into specialty areas of preference right away...
  16. Do you NEED a study group to get through nursing school?

    I had the same experiences whenever I tried to join a study group (in nursing school and in my first degree). I just started to study solo and it seemed to work well in both degrees. It really just depends on the person. You don't NEED a study group ...
  17. My nclex shut off 160ish :'(

    It's not necessarily 48 business hours. I took my NCLEX 8am on a Friday, and my quick results were available by Sunday morning at 9am. :)
  18. Uconn Mein 2017/advice please!

    Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe it's just cause the name is still Certificate Entry Into Nursing (CEIN)? Probably just something they haven't phased out yet. And yes, you can apply for BSN positions in any state. I actually got a job up in MA and many ...
  19. Uconn Mein 2017/advice please!

    At graduation we received both a BSN diploma and a certificate for the nursing program.
  20. Any ideas for a temporary-ish new grad job

    Could you wait until he gets matched before applying for jobs? I don't know anything about med school or residency, but I know someone who had a friend that got matched in December of 2015 for I believe July of 2016. That way you can just move with h...
  21. New graduate looking for employment

    I don't know anything about Stamford Hospital (or if the sign-on bonus is true), but I'd be leery of a position that offers a new grad that kind of sign-on bonus. What kind of environment requires $12K just to get people to work there? I'm going to g...
  22. Be thankful it's not a longer drive than that! Most of my clinical sites were an hour away from my house with the closest hospital placement being 45 minutes away! Just keep an open mind and realize it's only one semester. If you hate the drive you n...
  23. ADN>MSN or aBSN? HELP!

    Why don't you take it one step at a time and get your RN first? You might go to nursing school and completely change your mind about what kind of nursing interests you. I went to school thinking I wanted to eventually get one type of MSN and by the t...
  24. Financing Accelerated Nursing School

    Once you apply for your loans and tell them your school, as long as its approved you should be fine. The school will handle the rest! I just graduated from an ABSN in December, so I understand where you're coming from about needing living expenses, t...
  25. New Grad pay in Southeastern Mass

    MA will pay quite a bit less because it costs a lot less to live there than in CA. Maybe try looking in other areas of MA since the ones you mentioned don't seem to be great options according to the PP. The pay won't be much different, but the housin...