gr8rnpjt RN

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All Content by gr8rnpjt

  1. gr8rnpjt

    When the boss makes an error

    I had a male nurse on my telemetry floor give the wrong dosage of dilantin then go to lunch. When he came back his patient was dead. Nothing happened to him and he went on to bid into ICU. He is still working in ICU. Shortly after the incident, this...
  2. I "respectfully" disagree with anyone who would say "do not look at these people as 'normal', and "many of these people do not think or feel like us, and changing beliefs and behaviors that are so ingrained can be nearly impossible, much like attempt...
  3. I resent this type of thinking and I hope you do not work in a capacity that puts you in the vicinity of abuse victims. These women are more normal than you think. They are our neighbors, our daughters, our sisters, and our mothers. This kind of thin...
  4. Chances are, when times were relatively good between them, she told him everything you did wrong to her in her life, and he has a running dialogue that comes out in a tidal wave before and after she goes to see you. Whether you know it or not, her li...
  5. gr8rnpjt

    HIPAA violations

    I have a HIPPA scenario that is not only scary but goes way beyond the boundaries that the drug companies consider themselves part of the treatment team. My mother was in the doctor's office recently and saw a drug rep come in. He had knowlege of a ...
  6. Having been a victim of domestic violence and abuse for years, I have to tell you that I was the patient who defended my abuser and gave excuses for my injuries. I did not listen to the police when they told me that nothing would change. I listened t...
  7. gr8rnpjt

    I worked a double yesterday and today I called out!

    Thank you for reminding me why I got out of bedside nursing and why it was a good thing. You are an awesome nurse and don't feel guilty for calling out after the hellish 16 hours you just spent there. Get some rest.
  8. gr8rnpjt

    I get to choose my own schedule

    Just a thought-- If you have the ability of setting your days, why not put yourself into blocks, with as many days in a row as possible so you have long blocks of days off. You have the luxury of working part time-great. I did it too when I was in m...
  9. gr8rnpjt

    what am I missing here?

    Next time people get to gossiping about nurse #1, best thing to do is walk away. Then you cannot be accused of anything, and if more people start to walk away, then the gossiper is left talking to him/her self.
  10. gr8rnpjt

    Anybody regret leaving the bedside?

    I regret leaving my patients. But I don't miss the things I had to deal with on the units, difficult co-workers, difficult families, shift work, mandatory overtime, paperwork that keeps you out of the patient rooms, understaffing that keeps you from ...
  11. gr8rnpjt

    Nurse's what's your New Year's resolutions?

    My divorce hearing is January 24th. My resolution is to get my divorce and move on with my life.
  12. gr8rnpjt

    Working with angry unstable incompetent RN

    Start looking for a new job. Why stay in an environment like that? Her incompetence will catch up with her and you may find yourself dragged into a lawsuit because you were there when it happened. I would be quite frank with the management there and ...
  13. gr8rnpjt

    Patients that Have Surprised you

    Fran, I have been with allnurses about 3 years and I remember you fondly. So glad to hear you are still kickin' it with allnurses!!!
  14. gr8rnpjt

    What does your login nickname mean to you?

    Well, believe it or not... My login ID means....I'm a great RN!!!
  15. gr8rnpjt

    Professional courtesy from police at traffic stops

    Sometimes yes, sometimes no LOL!! It was the delivery though, cracked me up!
  16. gr8rnpjt

    Professional courtesy from police at traffic stops

  17. gr8rnpjt

    Professional courtesy from police at traffic stops

    Several years ago, I purchased a vanity plate identifying myself as an RN from my school of nursing at the local community hospital. I never thought about cops and tickets, I was just proud of myself and my school. I found out several times that co...
  18. gr8rnpjt

    Am I Just Bein a Baby or should i quit ???

    A 20 hour shift is unsafe. Leave.
  19. gr8rnpjt

    Help me stump the nun;)

    How about asking her to list all the steps of the KREBS cycle in order. I always felt it was the hardest thing that required rote memorization. Sounds like a great premise for a new game show!!!!
  20. This can not be applied in my case. Innocent spouse has to do with income tax. We both filed in Domestic Relations Court, he for spousal support, and I for child support since I have physical custody of our son. I make more than him because he was t...
  21. I would REALLY like to know if the OP was told that they did not get the job due to having bad credit? Or could there have been another reason and you just don't know what it is so you assume that if a credit check was done, THAT must be the reason? ...
  22. gr8rnpjt

    Miracle!! Has any nurses witnessed one?

    Your question brought back a memory that I had to share. It was not quite a miracle, but don't tell the pt. We had a pt with lung CA and mets to the brain. She was confused but in a pleasant way. But she was a little kooky. Her Dr was a very seriou...
  23. gr8rnpjt

    Does withdrawal safe?

    Let me put it a different way because I think I know what you are asking---NO, withdrawl is not safe, because it does not protect against pregnancy OR STD's!! I have a child as well due to this method of birth control which is a misnomer because with...
  24. gr8rnpjt

    Blowing up like a balloon!

    I agree. INSIST on it.
  25. I see you are new. Welcome to allnurses! here is a good link with some great stories!